Chapter Thirteen: Beginner's Makeup

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Dear Beauty Diary,

I really want to be a makeup artist or a hair stylist in the future. I don't usually wear make up to school because I never wake up early enough to do it. I practice makeup on myself, family and friends. I started on myself before I practiced on my friends. When I first started. I just kept piling products on my face and I looked like a clown. I was never taught how to put make up on. Even though it's not that difficult it still needs guidance in some sort. I've watched many makeup and hair tutorials and did my research on things concerning makeup and hair. 


Personally, it's better to start off with an eyelash curler and mascara. It helps open up your eyes, making you look more awake. It also makes your eyelashes look thicker. After you get used to using the curler and mascara you can start using eyeliner. Don't start off your eyeliner by making a thick winged shaped or a cat eyed shape. Start off by just lining as close to your lash line as possible and start building up after you get the hang of making a thin line near your lash line. If you want to add eyeshadow don't just go straight to putting more than two shades on.  Start off simple but just choosing a neutral shade and put it all over your lid


Use concealer or bb cream or cc cream. A little goes a long way. If you want some color on your face add a coral blush color to the apples of your cheeks and blend.


A simple nude or coral color will do. Just by adding some color on your lips can do a lot to your look with or without make up.

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