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I can see children all around me, playing. Their laughter filling the air as they run around carelessly.

My eyes roam over the families that have smiles on their faces; full of life and happiness.

It almost makes me wish I was in their place. Sometimes I wonder why I could never keep Abigail happy. But I want to try, I need to. Thats why I've come to this state to try and find her again. I need her with me.

I get up from the park bench I was sitting on. And walk away, but I see two people fighting. A young couple, no older than 19-20 years of age. And they're both screaming at each other.

I get closer and interrupt them. Touching both of their shoulders, they turn to look at me before I speak calmly.

"Never forget why you're together, remember why you fell in love with each other. Forget the bad things and simply be happy." Their expressions slowly change and they look at each other, they soon embrace in a hug before walking off hand in hand.

My abilities consist of Telekinesis and something I consider very special, I can calm people by touching them. I can also make them remember and forget things. But I only ever use it when in dire circumstances.

I smile bitterly,  remembering how I could have easily used my power on Abigail. But I swore I'd never do anything like that to her, I'd be manipulating her. And I won't do that to my queen.

My walk comes to an end when I see her house in the distance. I can feel her life force it's weak and in pain. As I move quickly along the sidewalk, I notice people around are staring at me.

One person in particular stops in front of me, a guy a little bit shorter than I am. His three friends behind him, he puffs out his chest before speaking.

"You in the wrong neighborhood homie." he says trying to look tough. I shake my head in disappointment and walk around them.

They begin to follow me so I lead them to a secluded area. I remove my trench coat and place it on a chair conveniently placed next to a garbage can.

"You three are making a mistake I'm simply looking for a close friend of mine and I do not wish to harm anyone." I say as calmly as I can. They start to surround me, trying to cage me in.

"No disrespect man, but you don't belong here. So my boys and I are gonna teach you a lesson." I sigh before bowing my head they look at me confused.

"Where I come from its custom to bow before a fight." I say making them charge at me.

One swings at me first, which I block easily. I quickly strike him in eye making him fall to the ground unconscious. His two friends look at him before returning their gaze to me.

They pull out switchblades and attack yet again. I disarm the second quickly, kicking him in the leg making him buckle and falling to his knees. I pinch a pressure point on his neck making him fall unconscious.

The third and final man looks at his friends again then me. I give him a smile before speaking. "As I said before I did not want any trouble. I only want to find my friend can you please point me in the direction of an Abigail Winston?"

He slowly points to a small apartment building. I give him my thanks before slipping my coat back on and I proceed towards my destination.

Upon getting to the door I hear shouting inside, sounds like dear old Cameron is still the same drunk.



Cameron came home drunk again and he started breaking things

First he hit me around some more and while I tried getting up I was viciously kicked in my stomach. I felt the wind knocked out of me. And I couldn't do anything but lay there.

As I just decided it might be better to stay on the floor, I hear a knock on the door. Begrudgingly, I slowly get up trying to swallow my pain.

Once I open the door my eyes meet a pair of gorgeous, brown eyes. The look of shock on my face is apparent as I stare at this man. Before I can utter a word I hear.

"Hello Abigail."

Hey so I was so pumped that I decided to write this one it's the first official chapter of this book I enjoyed writing it and I do hope you enjoy reading it so please leave a vote and a comment and a big thanks to Xx_vyra_xx for finding and fixing my mistakes my work will never be the same again and it's all thanks to them so go check them out. Also the song above describes how Abigail is starting to feel towards Cameron and every part will be published and later edited so I apologize if you can't completely understand it yet.

Edited by: xx_vyra_xx

Immortal Fatality Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt