001 Nightmares

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Nathan Triska Imagine :)
Just so I can get this book started.

Your POV
I never thought I'd say this but I'm in love. I know I know, you're wondering: Who's the guy?
Well his name is  Food. Food and I have been with each other for 16 solid years. Food is such a great guy. He never talks back and never gets jealous when I'm with other people.
"(Y/N)! Earth to (Y/N)!", Nathan, your best friend, says while waving a hand in your face. You shake your head and mumble a sorry.
"Were you really thinking of food again", he asks with a smirk causing you to roll your eyes.
"When are you gonna start thinking of a real guy", he says with a laugh.
"When I find a guy who doesn't date every girl he can", you say with a huff before getting up and throwing your lunch away. You walk back over to Nathan who is standing up and getting his book bag.
"You ready to go to class?", he says while smiling. You nod and you both start walking to y'alls classes. He drops you off at yours first.
"So are we hanging out at your house tonight or mine?"
"Mine since last weekend we were at your place", you respond and he nods his head.
"Well I'll see you after class then so we can go to your house", he tells you before walking off going to his class before the late bell rings.

-After school @ your house-
"So what should we do this weekend", you ask while plopping down onto your bed next to Nathan.
"Scary movie marathon?"
"Nathan you know I hate scary movies", you say with frown.
"I'll be here with you though so there won't be anything to be afraid of", he says reassuringly. You give in and by the  time it was dark out you were hiding under the comforter on your bed while Nathan was trying to get you out from under it while laughing.
"(Y/N) come on its not that scary!"
"Not that scary! That insane doll just killed that guy", you say but it was barely audible due to your hiding spot.
"That insane doll is also fake", he says with a laugh.
"Nathan I'm not coming out from under the blanket until the movie is over", you reply causing him to sigh and pause the movie. You pop your head from under the blanket and let out a sigh of relief when you saw the movie had indeed been turned off.
"Thank you", you say with a slight smile. He hums in return and goes to check the time.
"It's already 1:30 AM, want to go to sleep or stay up", he asks you  and you sit there thinking for a moment. Just before you respond you yawn giving Nathan your answer.
"Sleep it is."
"Sorry for cutting the scary movie marathon short", you apologize while staring down at the blanket.
"No big deal." You scoot over in your bed so there is enough room for Nathan.
"Just because he is a guy doesn't mean I'm allowing him to sleep on the floor", you thought.
Nathan soon climbs into the bed and it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. It doesn't take you long to fall asleep soon after him.

-A few hours later-
You wake up to Nathan shaking your body and calling out your name. You were sweating and trembling a whole bunch and  your breathing was heavy.
"(Y/N) shh calm down. It was only a bad dream", Nathan says quietly while pulling you into his embrace. You didn't realize you were crying until he wiped a few tears away.
"You're okay (Y/N) I'm here. Nothing can hurt you", he continues to tell you things that slowly help you calm down a little. You pulled him closer and hugged him tightly.
"T-the last thing I remember was losing y-you to that insane d-doll", you mumble into his chest stumbling over a few of your words. A few stray tears make their way down your cheeks and he pulls you back and wipes them away.
"I'm still here (Y/N) and I'm not going any where. Now  lets try and get some sleep", he says while pulling you down beside him. You bury your face into his chest and continue to hug him tightly. He kisses your forehead and you soon drift off to sleep this time with no horrible nightmares. You never thought you'd admit this but it looks like you finally found someone better then food.
Sorry for mistakes! And sorry if it's bad. I'm still starting out with doing imagines and with writing so I'm not the best. I hope you enjoyed this imagine and if you want to request then go to the first chapter and read what you need to do!
QOTD: Favorite TV show?
AOTD: I really like the show Dead of Summer even though it just started out.

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