006 Burning house

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Damon Salvatore Imagine :'(
He's the loml..

Your POV

"I had a dream about a burning house
You were stuck inside, I couldn't get you out"
Dear Damon,
I sat in front of the fireplace looking at old photos of us together the other night. In every picture, we had a fake smile plastered on our faces all because we didn't wanna show how we truly felt. Were we ever truly happy? We once were. The first night we met was the last and first time we were truly happy together.

"I laid beside you and pulled you close
And the two of us went up in smoke"

You, Damon Salvatore, found me drinking away my problems at the Mystic Grill. I had just gotten out of a relationship that lasted eight years. Then, you stride on over to my sobbing form and start a conversation. I told you to "Fuck off" and you only smirked before ordering us both another round of drinks. We talked all night and you got me so drunk I couldn't remember where I lived, so you took me to your beautiful home. You poured us more drinks as we laid on one of the couches. I told you my story, and that's when the fire inside of us started burning.

"Love isn't all that it seems I did you wrong
I'll stay here with you until this dream is gone"

You were like a drug that I couldn't get enough of. I was addicted to you Damon. That's why I stuck around for all these years. I didn't care about the hurt you brought to me, because I knew I was in the wrong as well. I allowed you to feed on me, push me around, and yell at me. I didn't care because I still had you somehow. Damon, I wasn't in love you. I only loved the thought of having you. I couldn't bring myself to admit it though. That's why I stayed. I cared more about being in a relationship that I didn't think about the truths that were suppose to come with it.

"I've been sleepwalking
Been wondering all night"

I sat there in front of the fireplace for hours looking at every photo we have together and with our friends. I wonder what life could've been if we stayed together. Maybe if I were truthful we'd be going through the memories together and having a good laugh. Or maybe we'd be fighting like we always did.

"Trying to take what's lost and broke
And make it right"

I wish I could fix this. I know there's no solution to this. Instead, I'm forced to live with the pain I brought on not just myself but you. I hope one day we can just sit down and talk about this. You deserve an apology from me in person, not on a piece of paper. I am sorry Damon. I will always be sorry for how I acted.

"I've been sleepwalking
Too close to the fire"

I realeased a sigh as I wrote down the last few words. I don't know how this will be delivered to him, or even if it will be. He doesn't want to see me, the liar, ever again. I got up from my desk and made my way over to the fireplace just like I had a few nights ago. I sat down in front of it and watched the logs burn as I got lost in my thoughts.

"But it's the only place that I can hold you tight
In this burning house"


Damon and I had been lounging around all day enjoying the peace and quiet. It was the first day in weeks nothing supernatural had taken place, and we of course took advantage of it. It felt nice having his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as I laid my head on his chest. Ocassionally, I would pop my head up and give him a small peck on the lips or cheek and have it linger there before pulling away to go back into my previous position. We remained this way until the next day. Not a single interruption from the supernatural world, work, or anyone for that matter. It was peaceful. If only everyday was like this.

- End of flashback -

I cracked a smile at the sweet memory. We were only a few months in to our relationship, and that was when things were going perfectly between us. Sadly, all geat things must come to an end.

"I see you at a party and you look the same
I could take you back
But people don't really change"

The next few nights were the hardest. The letter for Damon still stayed laying on the desk it was written on. I didn't know if it'd ever be delivered to him. That was until tonight. I was back at the Mystic Grill after months of not showing up to drink away my problems yet again. I was on what I assumed was my tenth drink when Damon walked in. He looked like his usual self. Probably happier though. He walked over to the bar and sat dangerously close to me. He knew what he was doing. I learned he wasn't that oblivious after spending so much time with him. Maybe it was the ten drinks in me or just being plain dumb, but I struck up a conversation with my ex.
"Hello Damon, long time no see", I slurred out just a bit. Curse my human tolerance to the booze. "You look great."
"Hello (Y/N)." He said while nodding his head in my direction. Oh how his voice still drives me crazy. I wanted him back even more right now, but I was still the same person he broke up with. I would never be the person he deserves to be with. I'm no good for him. I never will be.

"Wish that we could go back in time
I'd be the one you thought you'd find"

A few drinks and a very awkward conversation later I realized it was time for me to walk back home before it got any worse. I grabbed my stuff and walked out into the cold night air. I released a sigh and started walking. My drunken mind was going through every memory that had Damon in it causing me to miss him more than thought possible. After a few minutes of my mind racing with memories I stopped right in my tracks and stumbled back on to the grill. The whole way back to Mystic Grill I prayed he'd still be there downing another cup of bourbon. Sadly, that wasn't happening. He was gone. Another day will pass with him not knowing I was sorry. Another day will pass with me hating myself for all the pain I've caused.
"I'm sorry Damon", I whispered before walking out the grill yet again. Only this time I didn't turn back around. Nor did I ever return the following days after. My time in Mystic Falls was over. Hopefully
starting new somewhere else is my best option for the rest of my time on earth.





Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating hardly ever. I became busy over the summer surprisingly and then senior year became extra difficult to handle. Hopefully this imagine makes up for it! XD
Also, if you couldn't tell this is my first doing a song imagine so it's not that great. I am learning though.
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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