005 Berserkers

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Liam Dunbar imagine :)
Requested by: @ellie7507

Ellie's POV

The school day dragged on as everyone awaited the very much needed weekend. Liam, my best friend, had introduced me to the world of all things supernatural only a few weeks ago so everything was still new and very stressful. We, mostly him and his new friends, were still coming up with plans to draw out the benefactor and put an end to him. The week had gotten more stressful when a few Berserkers decided to join in on the fun. Berserkers are men who wear the bones/skins of bears. When wearing the skins and bones of the bears, they become animals themselves instead of channeling the animal's ferocity. They were terrifying, to say the least, and would give Hercules nightmares if he ever encountered them.

- Time Skip -

The school day had finally ended after what felt like years. I grabbed all that was needed from my locker before heading over to Liam's locker to meet up with him.

"We still on for your place this weekend", I asked once I was standing right next to him. He jumped a little which caused me to laugh.

"You'd think with my supernatural hearing I would've heard you coming", Liam said with a smile while shutting his locker and leading us outside the school.

Once we arrived at his house I set my bag down and went to get us both a water bottle from the fridge.

"So, what are the plans for tonight", I asked while tossing him his water.

"Hm, maybe we could just watch our favorite movies and eat junk food", he suggested.

"Good with me. I'm down to do anything as long as it doesn't require a lot of work." And with that, we got to ordering pizza and picking out movies. As soon as the pizza arrived we started the first movie of the relaxing night. Even though Liam and I weren't dating, we cuddled up together on the couch and enjoyed each other's presence. I wished there was something more between us though. As cheesy as it sounds I've liked him since the day I met him. If only I knew if the feelings were mutual.

-A couple of movies and a lot of Pizza Later-

It started becoming a struggle to keep my eyes open. It was obvious Liam was feeling the same way. I looked over at him and he was out. I smiled at his cute sleeping form. He looked so peaceful. It was as if there wasn't anything to worry about in the world. I sighed before shaking him slightly. It took a few tries before his eyes fluttered open. I helped him clean up the mess we made before we headed up to bed. I didn't bother bringing clothes to sleep in since I had clothes that I left from the multiple times I've been to Liam's house for a sleepover.

Once changed I headed to the guest bedroom that was across from Liam's room.

"Goodnight", I yelled.

"Goodnight Ellie", he yelled back tiredness evident in his voice. I turned the lamp off and cuddled up into the blankets. It didn't take long for sleep to take over.

-Hours later-

My breathing became heavy as I ran from the supernatural creatures chasing after me. I didn't dare stop once even though my legs were burning from running so fast. Before I could even brace myself I went tumbling over a fallen tree branch. I dusted myself off before screaming.

"Definitely not a tree branch", I exclaim. Right in front of me was a body covered in blood. There was no sign of life, and whatever is after me clearly got them. I flipped the cold limp body to get a look at their face before I let out another blood-curdling scream. The dead body was Liam. My best friend was dead and I was next. As if on cue an actual tree branch snapped causing me to look up.

"You've got to be kidding me", I mumbled as I looked up at the creature standing in front of me. Remember the monster that I said would give Hercules a nightmare? Yeah, a berserker was standing there. I stood up slowly looking for the perfect escape route. Once I chose my path I bolted, but I just wasn't fast enough. The berserker grabbed me and flung me against the nearest tree. I got back up ignoring the pain in back and made another dash for safety. The berserker has other ideas though. Before a scream could even leave my mouth everything went black. I met the same end as Li-


"Ellie, wake up!"

"Ellie, open your ey-", Liam was cut short from my eyes opening and my body shooting upwards. My whole body was drenched in sweat and I couldn't stop shaking.

"What happened", I asked as I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"You had a nightmare. I was woken up by your screaming. Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head. I never want to have to repeat something so horrible.

"Well, you try getting some sleep then. I'll be in my room if you need anything", he said before hugging me and getting up to leave. I grabbed his hand before he had the chance to exit.

"Stay?" He nodded before getting in beside me. He got comfortable before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Liam, I dreamt you and I were killed by a berserker. It was horrible", I mumbled into his chest letting out a sob in the process, "I don't ever want to lose you."

"Ellie", he started while pulling back and brushing my hair out of my face, "You'll never lose me. You're my best friend and you help keep me sane. No matter what we will always be by each other's side even when things are tough. Ellie, you're my anchor and I like you a lot." I couldn't process any words at this point. Liam liked me? I'm his anchor?

"Liam I like you too. Thank you for comforting me. You're the best", I respond finally and kiss him on the cheek. Liam and I confessed our feelings while cuddling. Cliché but it's something I'd do a million times again if it meant I got to be with the one person whom I care deeply about.





I'm sorry this sucks. I hope you enjoy it though! Sorry for such a long wait. Life's been busy, but I'm not as busy until August :))

**Requests are still open so feel free to request an imagine (just go back to the very first chapter to know what to do).**

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