004 I'm sorry

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Newt/Thomas Imagine :')
TDC killed me...

Thomas's POV
"Tell her I love her Tommy", the once sane blonde cried, "Please Tommy." Thomas wiped his tear stained face. He was being asked to kill his best friend, and tell the girl he cared so much for that his dying best friend loves her. It was all too much for poor Thomas.
"I'm sorry", Thomas mumbled before he pulled the trigger.
Your POV
A loud bang rang out around you. You looked around till you found the source. A loud cry came falling from your chapped lips and you ran to the blonde.
"No no no.. Newt why? Why did it have to be you?" You cried while holding Newt in your hands. The scene before Thomas broke his heart into a billion pieces.
"(Y/N) we have to go", Thomas choked out. You didn't budge. "(Y/N), I'm sorry, he asked me to do it. He would have told you, but he loved you so much and couldn't find the courage in his heart to tell you the horrid information." You didn't respond. You just stood up, turned to Thomas, and mumbled a quick, "Let's go", and started jogging in the direction of where the others were impatiently waiting. Thomas said nothing else as he followed you.

-Hours later-
WICKED was defeated, and the large group they made over the past few months were safe. Those who were once close to Newt were still shaken up over his death, especially yourself. Teresa had died herself, but she died after helping Thomas. After all the bad she had done Thomas still loved her and after her death and Newt's you knew it'd take him even longer to feel even remotely better. Reason why you didn't speak to him after arriving at the safe haven. You couldn't even look at him with out wanting to break down, and you were sure it was the same for him.

Days seemed to drag on. Everyday you thought of Newt and how Thomas had mentioned he had loved you. You wished you could have said you felt that same, but it was too late. Tears brimmed your eyes as you thought of Newt. Why did it have to be him? Why do the good people always have to die?
"(Y/N)? You okay", Thomas's voice rang out from behind you. You quickly wiped your eyes before turning towards him.

"Yeah." Lies. "What's up?"

"You're lying (Y/N)." Way to point out the obvious Thomas. "What's wrong?" Dumb question Thomas.

"It's not obvious? I just lost the guy I loved Thomas, and I didn't know he felt the same way until he was laying on the ground dead." Thomas didn't know what to say. He knew you were hurting just like him, and the only thing he could think of doing was pulling you into a hug as the both of you cried. You both stayed in each other's arms for hours on end. Each of you shared stories of the ones you lost and laughed at all the fun times you had with them. No one came to see how either of you were doing already knowing the answer. You both were hurt. Your hearts ached for those you've lost. Yet, at the same time all was well as long you were in each other's embrace. You spent weeks together, growing even closer than you already were back when the trials were still a thing. You still thought of Newt everyday, but you knew you'd never be with him. Thomas still thought of Teresa, but you were always the one that was on his mind. You each cared for each other deeply, yet you never admitted it. The others could sense how much y'all cared for one another and were just waiting for the day you'd come to them and say, "We're dating!"
One night, you and Thomas were laying in what you called a bed cuddled up next to each other. Y'all talked until you started to doze off. Thomas played with your hair which in return caused you to doze off even faster. Although, before you completely you fell asleep you head Thomas mumble an "I love you".
"I love you too, Thomas", and with that he smiled and pulled you closer. Eventually the two of you both fell asleep with smiles planted on your faces. Only happy dreams were to form tonight.

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