Talking to sting

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After what Grey told me I needed to talk to Sting. I ran to his room and knocked. I heard shuffling of some feet and the door opened to reveal his sad face. At that moment I felt so bad for every thing and wanted to give him a hug. So I did what any sensible person would do and launched my self on to him. His eyes were wide with surprise as I did so. He backed up and closed his bedroom door and I let go. My eyes were tearing up and he took my hand we sat on his bed when he asked me what happened.

"Grey said I have to chose between you two. I don't know how to tell him that I chose you. I know we don't know each other that well but I know in my heart your the one for me! When we met that day in the village I could not stop thinking about every second of every day. If you don't feel this way two than tell me to leave and I wont come back. Think about it and then tell me." With that I got up and Left.

 Sorry its so short. I know this is the first time I updated in forever so I just wanted to do at least this. As some of you know I show cavies. I just did a show Saturday and beat 6 people in showmanship and got first place with 97 points. I might update After Round Robin this Friday so count on a new chapter soon!!!!! 

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