The Scraped Path | Chapter 5

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Choosing the Enemy

Dark Pit wondered around Viridi's Realm with nothing productive to do. Today, he is following the easiest order Viridi ever made her team do: Take a day off. Without anything to do, the dark angel decided to take a walk around the whole realm. Surly, it was time consuming, but that was his objective.

While continuing his journey, he passed by Viridi's "Vision Room." This is where the goddess watched over many lands. She was hovering over one of the "Pools" in stress.

"What's wrong with you?" Dark Pit questioned. 

"The Underworld Army is attacking a small town."

"Since when did you care about humans?"

"I don't. They still suck to me. That town was created under the goddess Athena."

"And her temple is there."

"Correct. You know what happens when a god dies, right?"

"Yes." The dark angel replied in boredom as he began to leave and prepare.

"Wait!" Viridi yelled, stopping him in his tracks.

"What now?!"

"It's Palutena. I need you to stay here."


"She is going to attack us. I just know it."

"And you want everyone to stay here?"

"No. You can go and help Athena."


"No wait! Stay here." The distress began to grow in the goddess voice.

"Look, Viridi." Dark Pit shouted in anger, "I can't be at two places at once. We can either help Athena or we can sit on our asses, waiting that green-haired chick to pass by! It's your call."

A silence entered into Viridi's throat. She was used to the dark angel bursting into anger, but it was what he told her that cause her confusion. Her eyes trailed down to the ground and her blond bang covered half of her face.

"Go." She managed to say.

Dark Pit nodded in silence and left Viridi's Vision Room to equip himself.

• • •

"So what is the mission today?" Pit questioned while jumping though the Extraction Door.

"Have you ever known about the goddess Athena." Palutena answered with a question.

"Yes...! No." The angel frowned.

"Athena is the goddess of reason, active intelligence, art and literature. She is also the daughter of Zeus."

"Zeus? You mean the super cool, white bearded man that can shoot lightning out of his fingers?"

"Yes, that guy."

"That's so awesome. I wonder if he can shoot lightning out of his beard."

"Getting back on topic. Athena is just as wise as she is strong. She's also good a fighting and baking!"

"Hey! You said that we should got of topic." Pit complained as he slashed a Monoeye using the Samurai Blade.

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