The Scraped Path | Chapter 11

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Queen of the Cave

"Guest? Oh cool. Who are they?" Pit questioned, glancing around.

"You two, silly!" The woman giggled and poked the angel's nose.

"I didn't know we were invited!"

"That's because we're not." Dark Pit said, looking up, straight into her eyes.

"Well since you came here, I thought maybe you would like a welcome." She poked her fingers.

"That's very nice of you!" Pit smiled.

"Now, how about we introduce ourselves with tea and biscuits."

"Sounds good!"

"Kukuku! Follow me then!"

The angel grabbed his darker counterpart by the wrist and pulled his as they walked. They followed the woman to a dinning room with a greatly calm setting. Pictures of sunsets and shrines hanged from the wall. The table was short, very close to the ground. And pillows surrounded the small wooden object.

"Why don't you make yourselves settled while I get the food and drinks." She left with her hair flowing.

Pit dragged Dark Pit to the table and forced him to sit. The angel glanced around enthusiastically, taking in all the small details.

"The place looks nice!" He smiled.

"It looks more wrong to me." The dark angel complained.

"C'mon, Pittoo, this lady made us her guest and now she's giving us free food."

"Just because she's nice, it doesn't mean that she wants to hurt us. Maybe even kill."

"When are you going to learn how to be nice to people?!"

"When are you going to learn that a stranger can put you in danger?!"

"I'm back!~" The women returned with a tray of food. "Biscuits and tea for my guest!~"

She placed the tray down in front of the two angels, humming while she did. Pit picked up a small piece of that food and held it up to his mouth.

"Don't eat that." Dark Pit commanded.

"But why?" Pit cried. "It's just a harmless piece of food."

"Don't. Eat. It." He stared at his counterpart violently, as if he was silently threatening.

"Fine!" He threw down the biscuit and pouted.

"I'll go first since it's my house." The women smiled, ignoring the angels' argument. "My name is Calypso. My favorite food is hot cheese and my lease favorite food is cold cheese."

"Then you can't eat sandwiches?" Pit scratched his head.

"Of course I can. I just melt the cheese."


"Enough about me. What is your name?"

"I am Pit." The angel almost jumped on the table. "Servant of the goddess Palutena!"

"Ara Ara, I heard of her before."

"I'm pretty sure you did."

"And how about you, little one." Calypso smiled at Dark Pit.

The dark angel refused to respond. He simply stared back with his darkened, crimson eyes. His pupils were small, but his iris stayed wide. His body grew tense as he kept his arms crossed. He gave a look only the face of anger would wear. A look Pit did not like.

"This is Pittoo..." Pit smiled nervously. "He's not the Happy Tree Friends type."

"I see. Oh please, young friend. I mean no harm." Calypso placed her palms together, smiling.

"I know you." Dark Pit's voice was sharp. "What are you trying to do?"

"...Fine. Fine, you caught me. I didn't expect you to be here. When I saw the two do you, I assumed that you got lost. So a offered food, a drink, and I was going to offer a place to stay for the night. Then I was going to set you your way."

"C'mon, Pittoo. Even I know that." Pit scratched his head.

"No. You didn't. And you shouldn't like her as much as you do now." The dark angel snapped back.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?! She's just a harmless lady that wants to help us. You don't understand that not everyone is a threat."

The ebony haired boy stood up almost knocking the table. He breathed in, shutting his eyes in a frustrating way. He snapped towards the exit that they came through.

"Fine. Fine! If you don't want to believe me then why don't you stay with her forever." He stormed out of the small house, slamming the door behind him as if he intended to break it.

Pit shook his head in embarrassment. Calypso cupped her hands and held them close to her chest. They stared at the invisible trail Dark Pit left behind as he grew further and further away.

"I'm sorry about that. He's just mean."

"You're right about that."

"Well, I think I should go find him."

"No, don't!" The woman shouted erratically.

"W-Why?" The angel trembled.

"Um...He...He needs some time to himself. You know, let him cool down a little."

"What am I going to do while I wait?"

"Stay here with me." She smiled with passion. "We can get to know each other more and then we can become the best of friends!"

"That sounds like a great idea!"

Pit scooted closer to the table and grabbed a biscuit right from the tray. Without a second thought, he took one bite and consumed the whole thing. The small dots in Calypso's eyes grew small as her eyes grew wide. She got the one thing she wanted.


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Do you like Calypso?

Yea? Good! Anyway, I apologize for the short chapters. I want to make sure the change is visible.

See you next time!

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