Boy #3

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William ran his slim fingers across Adrian's chocolate smooth skin. "You're perfection" Will's deep voice rumbled as he complimented his dear lover.

Adrian's hazel eyes peered up at William with a look he couldn't quite understand, it was the first time William felt as if he couldn't read Adrian's thoughts

"You have beautiful eyes" William said as he placed a gentle kiss on Adrian's forehead

"Likewise" Adrian whispered softly as he casted down his eyes

"You know what your eyes remind me of?" Will whispered so gently

"No I don't love, tell me" Adrian whispered back

"They remind me of chocolate, you know that chocolate you love so much, the very sweet one which you've gotten addicted to instantly, they're like warm coffee in the morning, they're like hot coco in the cold winter, your eyes are as beautiful as the soil on this planet that allows things to grown on it, your eyes are the colors of the rocks at the beach we had our first kiss at, your eyes are the color that I'm addicted to, your eyes have dragged me in baby and I love every second of it" William said with a smile as he caressed Adrian's soft skin

Moments passed of deafening silence until words that weren't measured or thought of broke the silence.

"I slept with Rick" Adrian said as he sat up in the bed

To William it felt like a punch to the chest, it felt as if his heart was being ripped out as his mind processed the words Adrian had uttered

Now the empty look in Adrian's eyes made sense, he didn't want to let him in so he wouldn't know but he clearly changed his mind about that.

Will felt as if he couldn't breath as he got out of bed

"You fucked my brother?" Will asked rhetorically minutes later when he gathered his thoughts "I didn't mean to do it, we were drunk and you and I had just fought" Adrian said as Will put on clothes

"We fought because you fucked one of my friends" William said as he put on his shoes

"Will please" Adrian said annoyance ruining his beautiful portrait-like face "Please what Adrian? You just told me you fucked my brother and you have the audacity to be annoyed with me!" William shouted feeling the anger hit him at full force once the situation at hand made it's way to his head

"It meant nothing so stop the shouting" Adrian said as he put a shirt on "I'm not good enough for you anymore" William said turning around to face Adrian angrily

"Will-" Adrian was cut off "No stop it! Admit it, I'm not good enough for you anymore" William shouted angrily

"Fine! You're not good enough anymore Will, your brother and all the others are better than you, you're weak and fragile and I never loved you!" Adrain shouted, those words felt like a punch to the face, it was what awoke William from his love sick state.

He had stayed by Adrains' side this whole time even if Adrain cheated and treated him bad because he loved him and he thought Adrain loved him back in some twisted way

But now that he heard Adrian say he never loved him, it all just made sense and he felt stupid for thinking otherwise

Some people needed to be hit with the cold hard truth being reality and it had hit William entirely in that moment

"I'm done" Will said with a broken heart but a determined mind

"You'll be back, you're always back!" Adrian said with an irritated look

"Not this time Adrian" William said as he grabbed his things and left Adrian's house.

Will went to Rick, his brother. He didn't know why he went to his brother after Rick had fucked his boyfriend but he did go to him. After all they say Family is there no matter what. Even if it is to fuck your boyfriends...

William was a broken boy, he thought he deserved the love and treatment that he received but he was wrong he deserved more, way more then what he got. He was treated badly, they pushed him around for too long, he was a broken boy that thought he didn't deserve better.

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