Boy #4

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On Jimmy's break, his phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered

"Hey" Heathers angel-like voice sounded from the other side of the call

"Babe" Jimmy said with a smile on his lips

"I love you" she whispered in such a lovely way that had Jimmy's head spinning with delight

"Forever" he said back with a smile still on his soft pink lips as he thought of her beautiful heart-shaped face

Heather stayed silent which got Jimmy worried

"What's wrong Heather?" He questioned with worry

"No nothing Jim, I just miss you and love you so much" she said with a sniff of the nose

"I'll get home later, are you sick babe? I can go buy some medicine and make a soup when I get home" Jimmy said in a loving way towards his girlfriend

"No, no I'm fine Jimmy, I'm going to sleep now" she said in a soft tone

"See you later then, I'll bring you something" Jimmy said before hanging up and heading back in after his break was over to continue to work

All during work Jimmy couldn't wait to get home and see his lovely girlfriend

He kept thinking of how great she was and how good their lives were together

Hours later after his shift was over, Jimmy grabbed his things and left after clocking out

He got into his car and made it home safe and sound after picking up some soup for her and some chocolates

Jimmy went up to their apartment floor and walked down the hallway towards their apartment

He took out the keys from his pocket and opened the door

He stepped in setting his things down

The apartment was quiet on this cloudy day

Too quiet which gave him a weird feeling

It was like something was wrong

"Heather?" He called out as he closed the door behind him

Nobody answered

Pure silence rang in his ears

He wondered where she was, he took out his phone to check if he had any missed calls or any messages from Heather

He decided to give her a call

His head turned towards their bedroom, where he could hear her phone

He scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion

Maybe she's still asleep he simply thought.

Either way he decided to go into the bedroom to make sure she was okay since when they had spoken earlier she sounded off

When he opened the door, he had wished he never left to work that day

His world stopped for a millisecond

And then it started spinning for him

Life was going past him so fast in minutes

"Heather!" Jimmy shouted as he ran to her bloody body on the bed

"No! Don't you die on me Heather! Please you're all I want! You're all I have! Please baby, I love you!" Jimmy shouted as he tried to cover the big cuts running along her wrist towards her inner elbow

Heathers' body seemed paler than usual and Jimmy couldn't handle it

He cried as he held her against him, he grabbed his phone and dialed 911

"Hello-" Jimmy interrupted the operator "She's lost so much blood! Fuck, my girl, she's bleeding, Heather's bleeding!" He shouted panicked

"Sir, Sir, calm down, tell me who she is to you and what your location is" the operater spoke robotically

"She's my girlfriend, 254 Ave. 96St 2800, apartment 25" Jimmy said as he tried to stop the bleeding, he didn't want to think it was to late

"Sir can you check if she has a pulse" the operater said

The operaters voice was at a regular level tone but to Jimmy it felt like it was shouted

A pulse? He didn't even want to think there wasn't one

"My God, just get here already, my Heather, wake up Heather, please just open your eyes"

"Officers and an ambulance is on their way, Sir-" the operater said after a few minutes of Jimmy rambling, he hung up the phone

He tried to put the blankets on her arm to stop the bleeding, he tried everything he could think of until the police came

"Police, open up!" There were shouts outside of his apartments door

Jimmy rushed to open the door after securing the blankets tightly around her arms

The police officers and paramedics came rushing in

"She's in the room" Jimmy said as he frantically rushed behind the paramedics

Jimmy saw how the paramedics looked for a pulse, something he couldn't bring himself to do

Minutes later they were loading her on the lifter and putting a sheet over her body "We're sorry for your loss sir" one of the paramedics said looking at Jimmy sympathetically

"No! No! She's all I have! Do something! Bring her back!" Jimmy shouted trying to get to Heathers body, the police officers held him back with sorrow on their faces

"Sir please calm down, there's nothing they can do now"

That was the day Jimmy lost everything, he only had her. She was all he had left. She was the love of his life. He was a broken boy with no home to come to. He wished he hadn't left to work that day, he tormented his poor soul for the rest of his remaining days on earth. He was a broken boy without a home. He was a lost boy without his Wendy.

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