Boy #6

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"Please! Stop!! You're hurting me Jonah!" a weak females voice was heard within the house in the middle of the cold night

Her voice although weak to anyone else's ears, it rang loudly in his ears

He used his slim hands to cover the small childs ears in their hidding spot

He closed his eyes shut tightly as her screams got louder

He felt his body along with his small sisters body tremble furiously

Both young tired souls full of fear of the monster outside of those doors

"Johnny" he heard a whimper along with his name slip out of his little sisters trembling lips

"Make him stop, please Johnny make this go away, make him go away" the small child whispered with her eyes tightly shut

"You'll be fine kit-kat, I'll protect you" Johnny whispered as he hugged his little sister protectively

Loud slams were heard and the screams stopped

A deafening deathly silent surrounded the both broken souls in darkness

"Johnny boy! Come here my beautiful boy!" His voice full of malice rang through out the deathly house

Terror filled Johnny's body as his little sister clinged onto his body

"Come here kit-kat" he whispered to the small child clinging to him desperately

She shook her head in protest

"You need to hide before he comes in here" Johnny whispered softly as he helped hide his little sister in the secret door inside the closet before he stepped out the bedroom

He dreadfully walked down the creeking flight of stairs as he sang his name in a disgustingly sing-song happy voice

As he reached the last steps, he wished a sink hole would swallow his life away

"Be a good boy my Johnny and clean this up" he said as he waited patiently

Johnny didn't dear look up as he silently got to work

"Look at me boy" he said with distain layered in his commanding voice

Johnny looked up at him

"Wipe me clean of this fealt son"

Johnny cringed as he stood up from the bloody floor

He walked towards his father in fear knowing he was an unpredictable person

"You're such a great help my Johnny boy, after you clean this place up, help your whore of a mother up" he said walking away after Johnny wiped the blood off of him

As soon as he was out of sight and hearing range, he ran towards his mother on the floor

His eyes full of regret, sorrow, and fear fell upon the small petite women covered in blood and bruises, laying on the floor

"I'm sorry ma" he whispered as he carried his mothers body with such care towards the bathroom

"It's fine my child, he didn't mean it, he's just lost, we're all just lost souls, aren't we?" the small women whispered as she weakly wrapped her arms around his neck with a small fragile smile on her bloody lips

Johnny was a boy who never had a childhood, he grew up too fast, lived in an abusive environment, never experiencing a healthy dynamic of relationships in his life. He didn't understand what it was, how can he have something he didn't know existed. He was a broken boy too fragile for this harsh world from the very start

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