Boy #7

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Byron sat in front of his older brother Syrian "What type of shit was that today in the office Byron?" Syrian demanded angry at his younger brother who made him look stupid in front of his employees

"Nothing, I didn't mean to make you look like a fool in front of everyone, that wasn't my intention" Byron said looking up at his brother's disappointed gaze

"What's been going on with you lately? You've been acting off" Syrian more then demanded to know what was going on with one of his employees but most of all worried about his brother who so happened to be both.

Byron let out a breath he was holding in, he was trying to find the right words to tell his brother

"I'm your brother, I just wish you'd talk to me" Syrian said after a while with a heavy sigh as he stood up and poured himself some rum

"I'm a piss-poor excuse for a son" Byron said as he sat back in the leather chair.

Syrian frowned when his brother's words reached his ears "What the fuck are you on about Byron? Did you hit your head or something because what just came out of your mouth is rubbish" Byron looked up at his brother with a serious look on his face

"Syrian it's the truth, I'm not good enough, do you know what it's like to have to over pass what you've achieved? Dad expects more of me just because you've succeeded in so much and all that pressure is suffocating me" Syrian sat down in front of his brother with a frown

"I know father is tough but I've been there too, he did the same shit to me and I know it's drowning you but you have to ignore him, it's the only way to survive this, he expects so much out of both of us, because he wants us to succeed and have what he couldn't have, I know it's not the best way of him to do so but it's the only way he knows how, so please forgive him"

Byron looked up at his brother with a sad expression "I know that Syrian and that's why I'm a piss-poor excuse for a son because even if I know this, I want to be selfish and do what's right for me, working with you isn't what I want, don't get me wrong, it's an amazing company you have built but I don't want to do that for the rest of my life, I want to be and do something that makes me happy, I want to be an artist, I want to travel the world, I want to be happy Syrian, tell me that I'm not being selfish and to follow my dreams" Byron said looking miserably hopeful for some support

He looked up at his older brother to see his face in complete anger "But you are being selfish Byron, you can never be an artist, you can't travel the world with no money, you can't disappoint father nor can you do that shit to me you little fucking twat, you'll be selfish to do that to us, we are your family and you shall stay in this job that I gave you in my company because it's the right thing to do, it's what father wants, you won't leave me Byron" Syrian said with anger as he stood up straight with his arms crossed over his chest

He looked down at his brother with so much anger and hate, so much disappointment that it broke Byron's heart more

"I don't mean to be a disappointment-"

Syrian cut him off "Then don't fucking be one, you little selfish piece of shit, stay here with us and work along side me, make good money so someday you'll marry someone and have kids and be able to give them the life they deserve"

Byron felt his heart break more and more with each of his brother's words

Byron just wanted to be happy but no one would let him and he so desperately didn't want to disappoint his family.

Byron looked up at Syrian with a hurt expression "But Syrian-" he was cut off ones again

"Nobody cares that you're broken Byron, nobody ever cares about others, family sticks together and you shall stay by us, we've giving you everything and helped you, so don't fucking start with your stupid shit about leaving us"

Syrian didn't mean to hurt his younger brother Byron, it was the last thing he wanted to do but he didn't want to be left alone because he knew he wouldn't survive without his younger brother.

He was scared that Byron wanted to be happy somewhere else without him, Syrian was the one being selfish and he knew that but he couldn't bring himself to care at the moment.

Byron looked so hurt, looked so broken, he closed his eyes to try to collect himself.

He breathed in and out five times before opening his eyes

He stood up off of the leather chair and spoke with a cold calculating voice, once again

"You're right, lets stop with all this emotional crap, I apologize for what I did today at work it won't happen again" Syrian could see his brother closing off, he could see him building up his walls all over again just to become the emotionless asshole he usually was.

Syrian regretted what he had just said to his brother but he couldn't bring himself to admit it out loud.

Syrian sighed and looked away with regret written all over his face while Byron build up his walls promising himself to never let his emotions take over, to never open up to anyone ever again.

Byron and Syrian were both broken boys. Both kids had their dreams crushed by other people they loved. They were always told that they had to do this and that. They were always told what to do either by their father or by each other. They were both broken boys with broken dreams. Never fully growing to be their ownselves, never expressing who they really were. They were trapped by obligations to their family, friends, company, and each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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