Chapter 1 (2/2): Early Morning Catch

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Nick ~

7am passed by and I was still passed out. I guess a little celebration party from last night really did the trick. What was the celebration for? Well the celebration was simply a good ol'pat on the back for a good day's work on solving a case.

To be quite frank, I really did need it. The case lasted for about a month! A month of finding the culprit who stole the most rarest diamond in Zootopia called The Golden Sapphire. Imagine that! A month of no sleep, barely had time to eat nor even had time for myself. Although, I guess working with a clever bunny made it seem impossible to care so.

My phone lit up and started vibrating before it blasted my 'You're late as a fox' alarm. Which I lazily set up every day at 7:30am. It was meant to be set up as 5:30am, but at this point who could be bothered?

Even after a second of my alarm being played, I immediately sat up on my bed with my heart thumping, my eyes wide awake and a trail of saliva still dripping off of my face.

"Cheesus Crust!" I panted, holding my poor heart tightly.

I closed my eyes as I massaged my temple. I shuffled myself on the other side of the bed reaching out for my demonic phone, before dismissing my alarm.

I took a relieved sigh and closed my eyes for a bit. I took a quick look at my phone's time. It read: 7:32am.

"Bogo's gonna kill me." I thought to myself.

I grunted as I got myself out of bed and stretched.


Judy finally arrived outside the apartment I was staying at. She took a sharp turn towards a vacant parking space. As the tires screeched and screamed, Judy managed to park the car perfectly.

She turned the keys and put it into one of her pockets. Sipping once from her cup, she then opened the car door and hopped off, locking the car behind her.

Judy made her way up to room 46. Which was on the 5th floor. So she took the elevator and greeted some mammals along the way.

When she finally arrived to the 5th floor, Judy took quick looks at all the doors to find the right number.

"46, 46, 46..." She mumbled

Her ears popped up, "Ah-hah! 46."

But before Judy could march in with another one of her lectures. She stopped and noticed something on the door that was very suspicious.

Judy tilted her head in confusion.

"Is that.. Blood?" She whispered to herself.

Red blood was smeared right across the door.

"It's still dripping.." Judy thought, "This is still fresh."

Judy now worried and feared for her friend, me, she placed her paws readily onto her gun as she slowly walked into the apartment.

But before even reaching a quarter into the apartment, Judy, took by surprise, tripped over on a piece of wood that was sticking out from the floor.

"Ugh. He still hasn't fixed that." Judy rolled her eyes, before noticing loose condiments on the floor. "This is getting too weird," she thought as she got back up on her feet.

"Nick?" She called out.

Whistles. Judy could hear someone whistling from afar. Judy took the risk of following the sound.

"Who was that? What happened? Where is Nick?" Was all that Judy was thinking about.

As Judy tiptoed slowly but surely towards the bathroom, she realized that the door was open and the whistling mammal was still whistling.

Judy walked in slowly as she held her gun tightly. Judy could feel her fur rise up as she felt the warm fog coming from the shower surrounded her.

Squinting her eyes, a shadow behind the shower curtains was revealed. The oblivious bunny didn't know what it was but she wasn't planning on getting attacked first.

So with that, Judy pounced on the shower curtains, ripping them completely off!

She took out her gun and pointed it at the monster, "You're under arreeeeest....?"

Her eyes widened to the sight of naked me with a shower cap on and a brush held tightly for defence.

"Nick!?" She quickly turned around covering her eyes.

"Judy!" I exclaimed as I already grabbed my tail to cover up.

"You're.. You're not dead!?" She replied back.

"What are you talking about!?"

"The.. The red blood! O-on the door, Nick!" Judy spat out.

"That was tomato sauce from a burger I had this morning! I tripped over on that piece of wood, which I still need to fix!"

Judy fuming with shock and embarrassment, she sprinted out the door and slammed the door shut.

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