Chapter 2 (2/3): Unexpected Events

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Nick ~

Just like in any typical books, of course everything felt slow. I can't believe it! Me, Wilde, Nick Wilde. Fired!?

Just soak that in a little bit. I mean he's got to be kidding right? That this is some type of prank he's trying to  play. I knew I shouldn't have leaked those videos of Bogo dancing to Gazelle.

"Is it 'cause of those videos I leaked?" I asked.

Chief Bogo stopped. His brain stopped. His brain processed. Then he said, "What videos?"

"Ah, cheesus crust."


Judy marched her little feet towards Chief Bogo's office. As she looked up at the large closed door, her ears peered up. I reassure you, the talk that chief and I had were mature and controlled.

"You leaked what!?"

"It wasn't me!"


Judy rolled her eyes and turned to the papers in her paws which she quickly reexamined.

"How did you even find it!?"

"I have my ways."

"Where. Did. You. Post. IT!"


Judy again looked up at the door from the papers she looked at. Breathed in, then finally decided to knock.

"Wilde I will kill yo-"

*knock knock*


"It's me, sir, Officer Hopps," Judy spoke softly, "Sir?"


"Sir, Agent Jack Savage has arrived."

My ears became curious. Jack Savage? Agent? Who?

That name sounds dodgier than the next mammal, I thought.

After a few minutes passed by, Chief Bogo ordered me to open the door.

I rolled my eyes stubbornly before hopping off of my seat. I headed for the door and turned the knob. There stood Judy with her back straight, ears up and head held high.

"Ah. Officer toot toot." I smiled as I held the door open. "So uptight."

Ever since Judy and I have been partners, we've become so much closer than before. From name calling to supporting each other. We really gelled up. Especially for a fox and a bunny.

"Slick." She responded. Judy took a step closer as she whispered, "So fired?" She joked, nudging my arm.

"Hahaha yeah." I nervously said.

Judy walked in, straight towards the chair. Hopping up, she put the papers down on Chief's desk.

Chief picked up the papers and put on his glasses.

"His appointment doesn't start until an hour from now." He looked up from the papers.

"He says it's urgent." Judy said as she marched her way out.

"S-says? You've talked to him?" I snapped.

Out of all the animals I've met and know of, my brain still could not recognize the name 'Jack Savage'. Was he some sort of vigilante I didn't know of? A spy, I don't know about perhaps?

"Of course! He's a fellow bunny!"

"Fellow bunny?? Are they somehow related?" I asked myself. "It can't be! There's no way!"

I mean I know there are countless amounts of bunnies in this world but it just can't be!

At this point I nervously dug my claws onto the door, my eye twitching, and my heart pounded in jealousy.

Chief Bogo walked towards the door, I still held, and briefly looked at me. "Come on, fox. Were already late as is." He said.

Grunting, I led myself out the door, following Bogo.

Chief Bogo headed towards the Briefing room, where all the other officers sat, straight back, and proper as we opened the door. It was as if they were soldiers! It was creepy.

As I remembered, this room used to be filled with conversations, banter and laughter even when Chief Buffalo Butt comes in. But now their silence filled the room. It was eerie.

looking at all the officers on duty, Delgato looked constipated, Fangmeyer seemed to be sweating, and Francine looked like someone bit her tail! What was going on?

After taking a few steps into the room, there stood a gray and black striped rabbit, on the podium. He was in a jet black suit with a cherry red tie. He was intimidating. His glaring blue eyes quickly focused on to me. It was like he stared right through me! My fur stood completely on end.

The rabbit closed his eyes, "Afternoon gentlemammals!" He said as he came down from the poduim and towards me, "Care to join us?" He held a paw up.

I looked around me, Judy was standing in proper form by the door at the front of the room. She wasn't looking at me. She was too concentrated on standing like a statue.

As I turned back to the rabbit, I accepted his paw shake. "Jack Savage," the rabbit smirked, "Nick Wilde, sir."

He chuckled, "Please, call me Jack."

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