Chapter 2 (1/3): Unexpected Events

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Nick ~

After that awkward little encounter with my partner, Judy gave me strict orders to meet her in the car.

I got out of the shower and made sure I got my towel tightly wrapped around my body. Making my way out of the bathroom, I walked myself towards my closet. There hung my newly ironed police uniform. Yes, I do my chores. Bet you didn't see that comin' now did ya?

Anyways I put my trousers on. One leg at a time, before buttoning my shirt up. With my already did tie I put it around my neck and tightened it making sure it was straight. I looked in the mirror, licked my paw and stroked my fur back.

But before I left the mirror, I noticed the reflection of Judy and I's picture at my ZPD graduation ceremony. As I stared at the picture, it warmed my heart as it felt like home to me. She felt like home to me.

I took a look at the golden badge that was pinned onto my uniform. Trust, Integrity and Bravery.

"We made it bud." I scoffed at my own reflection.

Smirking at myself, I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on as I left the mirror and headed out of my room. I locked the door behind me and took the elevator down to the main floor.

"Morning, Nick." A lady-like voice said.

Turning around I smirked, "Morning Rosanne! Looking beautiful today." I winked.

"Looking good as always, officer." A female fox said.

"And to you." I saluted.

"Coffee?" One asked.

"I'll pass today sweet cheeks."

See, even thought I've become a crime-fighting, tail-kicking police officer, I still have the knack of flirting with other mammals. What can I say? I'm a born schmoozer.

I walked out of the building's front door and looked through the car's windshield. Judy was already giving me her death stares. I already knew what she was going to say if and when I open the door.

"What took you so long!?" Judy growled.

"And what savage animal bit your tail?" I joked as I yanked the seatbelt across my body, securing it.

"That's not funny! Now with your slow tail, you're even more late!" Judy fumed as she twisted the key, switching the car on.

"You have a-bajillion lates for the past week, Nick!" She continued.

Judy focused her eyes on the road, but  couldn't help but worry about my choices or better yet my career. She was always this uptight. Even after a month's worth of solving a tough case.

"Now hold on a minute Carrots, first of all, you sound exactly like my mother. Except a bit more squeaky - Secondly! It's not like I'm getting fired." I blabbed.

Judy's eyes widened before turning to me with an angered face. Without even thinking twice the psychotic mammal took a sharp turn which perfectly parked the car.

"Its not like you're getting fired?" She repeated.

I rolled my eyes. Here it comes.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke to you!?"

Here we go, I thought.

"Nick, what if chief Bogo does!?" Judy wailed. "What then? Who am I gonna be partnered with? How is everything gonna be the same when You're gonna be alone... Or when I'm gonna be alone."

My ears peaked up in surprise. I've never seen carrots react like this. Of course, I didn't know what to do.

"I know I might be biting your tail a lot lately, but that's only because I care." She sniffled.

I sighed, "Look, carrots. Our last case was tough, okay? I've only been doing this job for over a year now. Just cut me some slack."

"And hey, look at me," I held her face, wiping a tear off, "no one is going to be alone. Why? Because I'm you're partner."

Carrots' eyes brightened up as she coughed a smile.

"Sly fox." She grinned.

I hugged her tight.

"I'm not going anywhere."


"You're FIRED!" Chief Buffalo butt shouted as he slammed his hoof on his desk.


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