Chapter 2 (3/3): Unexpected Events

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Nick ~

I gulped, so this is the Jack Savage every mammal was talking about, I thought to myself.

"Please take a seat." The rabbit gestured me to a chair, which I immediately sat on.

Jack turned to Chief Bogo and gave him a brief paw shake, before standing back up onto the podium behind him. Chief Bogo followed.

"So as I was saying officers," Jack spoke, "I believe that all of you are well aware of the many robberies and break ins that have been occurring all over Zootopia in the past week."

Yeesh. I guess I haven't been keeping up with that.

"These illegal doings are, bear in mind, not random. Chief Bogo and I, believe this is some sort of evil plot, brewing up to become something more sinister!" He explained, "As of now we do not know who the culprits are.. And this is why Chief Bogo and I are digging for only the best officers to solve this case!"

Best officers? Pshh, I'm sure Judy and I will compete competitively on this one! We'll surely be chosen easily. Were always up to the task, I thought to myself.

"Training starts first thing tomorrow! Be prepared." Jack informed.

"Dismissed!" Chief Bogo ended the briefing.

Chief Bogo led Jack to the door and followed him out. Judy being close to the door, she promptly saluted. Jack quickly looked at her before slightly nodding his head then walked out the door with the Chief behind his tail.

When Jack finally left, everyone seemed to breathe out and unclench.

"That was intense." Officer Delgato sighed, slouching his back onto his chair.

"Tell me about it." Another officer replied.

"I wonder which officers they'll pick." Fangmeyer scratched his head.

"Its fairly obvious who one of them is." McHorn stretched.

The room was filled with chatter now. It was all weird how they all knew who it was. I, on the other paw, was clueless.

Over my curiosity the words "Who is it?" came out of my mouth as I leaned over from my seat to the table behind me.

"Are you kidding me, Wilde?" Francine rolled her eyes, "its obviously going to be Judy."

Judy immediately looked up at the other officers, wondering why her name was being said.

"Didn't you see the way Agent Savage looked at her?" Swinston joined in.

"He obviously has the hots for her." Francine crossed her arms.

As I peeped over my shoulder to look at Judy, her head was already down. I knew I had to lighten up the conversation and put her out of the spotlight.

"I don't think Agent Savage is all about that. I mean you'll never know, he might have the hots for you Francine." I joked.

The room was filling up with whistles and 'oooohs'. Judy looked up at me and locked glances.

"Thanks, slick." She smiled as she took a few steps towards me.

"Ah, don't sweat it carrots. You don't deserve to always get the spotlight." I joked.

Judy shook her head, "Come on, smart tail. We have work to do." She said

Unprepared of what she said I panicked, "Aaaabout that.." I pointed out.

"What?" She asked.

"I kind of.. Maybe got.. Fired." I pursed my lips.

Judy sludged her shoulders, her ears drooped down, and her eyebrow rose up.


In the office,
2 hours later...

There are 2 sides of Judy and I's office, my side, which was always messy. With piles of paperwork stacked up and messily scattered around my desk, to the point where I could barely see the table! And Judy's side, which was the most cleanest, most organized desk I've ever seen. Not even a dust bunny could be found!

As you know, from the last chapter I was fired. But see my partner, Judy, has her own ways to persuade other mammals. I wouldn't ask how, but she gets it done.

She managed to convince Chief Buffalo Butt to keep me, just with Judy's strict supervision. Which I didn't mind at all.

I continued to work on my computer with my feet propped up onto the side of the table, typing away to my hearts content.

I was sure that if I worked harder in the next few weeks or so, Chief Bogo will definitely forget about all of this.

I went on and decided to read some of the few unopened emails I have.

Then it hit me.

Rolling away from my computer desk on my swivel chair, my fur stood on end, my eyes widened as I shivered coldly on my seat.

I don't understand, I screamed to myself, why is this happening!?

Judy was walking towards my desk with more papers in her paws. I guess you could say she already cheered up from before.

"Hey Nick," She called out "I got our reports for our last case from Chief Bogo." She said as she looked at the papers, unaware of my current situation.

Still overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions in my head, I didn't know what to do! Especially in these types of situations!

Still unaware, "And I have to say I am impressed-" Judy continued.

Judy then turned to me, disappointed of how inattentive I was. But she decided to shake it off, pretending she didn't notice a thing.

"Uh, Nick?" She hummed.

Seeing that I still wasn't listening, she relaxed her shoulders and turned her eyes towards my computer screen.

Her heart dropped like it weighed a million tonnes. Her belly started to get butterflies. Shocked, upset and confused were the only things that Judy could've thought of. She was as shaken as I was!

Carrots couldn't believe what she just saw with her own two eyes. Deciding to read the email again, it read:

"Hey Nick! Its been quite awhile since we've talked. I know this message might've been unexpected and we haven't been on good terms lately, but I really want to see you and tie the loose ends between us. I really missed you. Maybe dinner sometime? -Vicky"

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