Cards & Stuff Like That

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Hmm...since this may be unknown to a few of you lot, I will list down Importance of Rarity and the Cost of Upgrade stuff. Oh, and the different types of Cards too! (Say, has anyone read the book while Pronouncing the Capital Letters?)

Cards are classified into three groups; Troops, Buildings and Spells. Spells are things that are mostly 'unblockable', such as the Arrows, with the excaption of a few, like the Mirror spell. Troops are the 'people' that deal the majority of the damage to the opponent. Buildings are...well, buildings! They sit there and attack incoming troops or spawn helpful stuff, like troops to do the attacking or Elixir to use more troops faster. 'Kay, now that the basic stuff of Card Classification is over, let's go on to the Upgrade Costs and Stuff.

Common Cards

Common cards are usually troops. Upgrading them to:
-Level 2 costs 5 coins
-Level 3 costs 20 coins
-Level 4 costs 50 coins
-Level 5 costs 150 coins
-Level 6 costs 400 coins
-Level 7 costs 1000 coins

Rare Cards

These can be any of the three classifications. Upgrading them to:
-Level 2 costs 50 coins
-Level 3 costs 150 coins
-Level 4 costs 400 coins
-Level 5 costs 1000 coins

Epic Cards

Again, these cards are usually troops. Upgrading them to:
-Level 2 costs 400 coins
-Level 3 costs 1000 coins
-Level 4 costs 2000 coins

Legendary Cards

The first of these comes in Arena 4, which I have no access to...YET. Upgrading them to:
-Level 2 costs 4000? coins

Do you see the increase in coins cost per level? Do you see the higher the rarity the more expensive upgrades are?

You need a certain amount of the same cards to get to certain levels as well. To be able to upgrade to:

-Level 2 needs 2 cards
-Level 3 needs 4 cards
-Level 4 needs 10 cards
-Level 5 needs 20 cards
-Level 6 needs 50 cards
-Level 7 needs 100 cards

I apologise for the numerous question marks as the cost slips my mind. Those with ???s means I do not know what is next, because I have not reached that level yet. ?s mean I am uncertain of th said items. I sorry T-T.  This is probably the worst chapter yet because of my *grumble* limited knowledge on Clash Royale. *sighs* But, hey! I just got into a new Arena so this has been updated and there are a LOT less ?s. Bye!

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