How to: Get Stuff

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~The media is like a mini horror book or something so if you easily get creeped out, don't listen to it! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Also, if you like it, go check out Dangan Ronpa Space by KittyCyanide.

So...a guide on specifics? I don't know. Sorry. the sub headings, okay? [Is depressed because exams]

How to get coins

The basic-est currency in the land! The Clashing land of Royaleness! It helps to upgrade, as shown in the previous chapter. To get these miraculous pieces of virtual metal, you can either:
-Open the chests. FREE/Wooden ones, Silver ones, Gold ones, etcetera, all give coins.
-Buy with gems/jewels/crystals/whatever-you-call-them in the shop. (Though I don't recommend this. You'll see why later. Read on!)
-Battle. Well, you'll have to win first. Duh. Like, the game wouldn't give coins to those who lose. Harsh but true. (I still think they should give you at least 1 coin if you lose though.)
-Donate cards in your clan. I don't know the exact number. Coins aren't important to me when I donate stuff. I donate for the XP. Sorry for lack of information. More on XP later.

How to get gems

Hard to get large amount of these, but they are worth the saving up of them. Buy the Super Magical Chest in the shop! I don't care if it costs 2000+, 3000+ or even 4000+ gems! Just save up. While resisting the urge to purchase coins, Giant chest, and Magical chests. You can do it! To get these green 'killing curse' valuable hunks of virtual solids:
-Open chests. But you get a low amount of them in regular chests. Even in more pricey chests you still get a low amount.
-Buy them with real money. While this is the most efficient way to get gems, DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!! This is a game. Don't waste real 'live' money on these virtual fancy shapes from a game! Okay? Good.
-Also, you can do Achievements. Note: A chapter will be added on that in the future.

(No longer depressed)

How to get Cards

Cards...The basic unit of battle. You cannot battle without cards, just like you cannot live without cells. Um...ignore that. I like it so I going to keep it in though. Anyway, for more information, read the chapter, 'Cards & Stuff Like That'. To get these fake paper-thin helpful objects:
-Open most other things.
-Buy from the shop...again...
-Ask for donations in the clan. This is depending on if the members of your clan have said card you are requesting. If you know the rest of your clan members don't have a certain card, DO NOT request it! You will waste your once-per-8-hours card request.

How to get EXperience Points (XP)

XP is used for leveling up you, the player. It increases the Hit Points and Damage-per-second of your Arena (side) Towers and your King (main) Tower. Unfortunately, you cannot get XP from battling. (It's bad, but hey; that's life.) get these glorified intangible blue stars:
-Donate cards in your clan! Donating a Common will get you 1 XP and donating a Rare will get you 10 XP. Yippee!
-Achievements. Do them. Yup. Read the note in the Gem section.
-Upgrading cards. Yup, you can only get XP from these three ways. Clash Royale is mean. But I still play it. (^_^).

That's all people. The longest chapter yet. ☺. I like making up nicknames for the 'currency' for Clash Royale. I do hope I can beat Summerstyl3, since she is now 'alive' on Wattpad.

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