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"Fuck you Chris !" , I yelled at the top of my lungs as I grabbed the twins and headed to my car , "I'll be back tomorrow for all my shit" . He stormed out of our 2 story home , chasing me with a bottle of Hennessy in his left hand and a blunt in his right .

"After a-all the shit I've d-done for you and them damn k-kids Aaliyah just for m-me to f-find out those little f-fuckers aren't even m-mine !" .

The twins were strapped securely in their car seats . I turned to face Chris with a look of pure hatred pasted on my face . My right hand rose as I proceeded to slap him in his face . He held onto his cheek , glaring at me .

"I'm done doing this shit with you Chris . Fuck this , fuck us . You don't have to worry about ever seeing me or our kids again , lowlife bastard" . Before he had the chance to speak I pivoted on my heel and got into my car , driving off . Never to look back again .

It's been 2 years since that painful night , 2 years since I've spoke to my children's father . I was 19 , Chris and I had been butting heads since we found out I was pregnant . When I had Ambrielle and Aiden all hell broke loose . He started drinking , doing drugs , even cheated on me . Twice .

These days I've heard that he got signed to a record label . Always knew he could sing . Funny thing is I haven't had a phone call , text or a dime sent my way . But it's cool , I'm doing good .

After leaving Chris I stayed with my parents for a few months until I could get back on my feet . Now I have a job working as a teacher at a preschool in uptown Atlanta . It paid well enough for me to rent a medium sized apartment for me and the kids who are now 3 years old . I can't complain .

"Mommy no go" , Aiden grabbed my leg as I turned to leave them with my mom . The two had followed me outside under the close watch of their grandmother who was standing at the door . I bent down and picked them up , kissing them all over their faces as they giggled .

As I sat them down I smiled , "mommy will be back from work soon okay baby's ? Now go be good for grandma" . Ambrielle smiled and nodded as Aiden did the same , "otay mommy" .

"Come on kids" , my mom yelled to them , "let's go bake cookies !" . They immediately ran in the house squealing , "yay!" . I hugged my mom and kissed her cheek . "Remember mom no cookies or sweets before 11:00" , I shouted as I rushed to my car .

She smiled and nodded , "I know Aaliyah . Have a good day at work ! I love you" . I hopped in my car and pushed the start button , "alright ma I love you too , I'll be back to pick the twins up around 6" .

I sped off down the road as I looked at my watch . 9:26 . I needed to be at work by 10 . Luckily there was no traffic and I arrived at the school with 10 minutes to spare . As I was at my door fiddling with the keys to my classroom , I felt someone thump me in the neck .

Already knowing who it was , I turned around and smiled . "Good morning Lucas" . He grinned , "good morning beautiful" .

He held up a bag and 2 cups of coffee , "I bought you some breakfast" . I playfully shook my head and smiled . It's very obvious that Lucas has a little crust on me and has since I started working here a year and a half ago . Don't get me wrong , he's very handsome . A gentleman too , always doing things for me left and right .

It's just , that's how they all starts out . Then they turn into assholes just like Chris . That's how come I haven't given him a chance .

"Thanks Lucas I appreciate it" , I said as I took the bag and a cup of coffee from him then gave him a hug . He shrugged his shoulders as he released from the hug , "no problem , anything for you Aaliyah you know that" . We walked into my classroom as I unlocked the door , setting my stuff on my desk . Lucas propped up on my desk , "so Ms. Johnson" .

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