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"Mommy when we go ?" , Ambrielle asked as the 3 of us sat up on my bed , chillin' . I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the clock . It was 3:38 . I might as well start getting the twins and I ready now , it takes us about an hour anyways . "Aiden come with me , we're gonna start getting dressed . BriBri stay here and watch tv until I'm ready for you okay ?" .

She nodded her head and sat still as Aiden slid off the couch and grabbed my hand as I walked to the bedroom . "You wanna wear Jordan's today man ?" , I asked him . He quickly nodded his head . I grabbed a blue and white short sleeved Polo shirt with some cargo shorts . After helping him get dressed I grabbed his French Blue 12s from the bottom of the closet and slid them on his feet .

"Go get your sister from the living room and tell her to come here for me baby" , I said as I pulled out her clothes . Her outfit consisted of a pink and white short sleeved Polo shirt , a tan colored skirt and her pair of Dynamic pink 12s so that she could match with Aiden .

5 minutes passed as I waited for her and she still didn't come around the corner . I rolled my eyes and yelled down the hall , "Ambrielle Hope Johnson" . She still didn't show . As I walked down the hall to the living room I heard crying . Here we go .

Ambrielle was crying as Aiden was trying to shush her to avoid getting in trouble . "Be hush Ambri , before you make mommy come" , he said quietly while putting his small left hand over her mouth , which only made her cry more . I chuckled at the sight as I walked over to Ambrielle and picked her up , "what happened ?" .

"A-Aiden p-pinched me r-real hard on the a-arm m-mommy" , she sobbed . I mentally rolled my eyes , Ambri is such a cry baby . I rocked her as I took her to the bedroom , "hush Ambrielle it's gonna be okay . Want mommy to kiss it and make it feel better ?" . I sat her down on her bed beside her clothes . She nodded . When I kissed the little red mark she stopped crying and attempted to get dressed .

After helping her and slipping on her shoes she joined Aiden on the couch , who was waiting on the two of us to prepare ourselves . "You two sit tight okay ? I'm gonna go get ready" , I said as I headed to my room .

I quickly threw on a black , sleeveless crop top along with some black high waist jeans . After sliding on my all white adidas I grabbed my black , grey and white Pink windbreaker and threw my hair into a bun . I sprayed a little bit of some Victoria's Secret perfume and unlocked my phone to see that it was 4:26 . "Aiden , Ambrielle , come here so I can brush you guys' hair" , I hollered .

They both ran into my room . "I go first , no I go first !" , they both yelled at each other . I smiled , my babies love their natural curly hair . "Ladies first Aiden" , I chuckled as I grabbed Ambrielle and a brush . I brushed it out then put into 2 puff balls on the side of her head . She smiled when I was finished .

I brushed Aiden's and put his into one puff ball in the middle of his head . I grinned , my children were adorable . The only thing is that the older Aiden got , the more he looked like Chris . I brushed that thought off and grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter . The kids followed me out the door and into the car .

As I strapped them in my phone vibrated in my pocket signaling a text message . I hopped in and started the car checking my phone . It was a text from Lucas .

Coly , 4:46

I'm almost there where are you?

I texted him back letting him know that I had just pulled out of my apartment complex . Please Lord let this go well .


"Kids this is Lucas . You guys may not remember him" , I reintroduced Ambri and Aiden to Lucas . He smile warmly , "hey guys . I haven't seen you 2 since you guys were infants" . Aiden shyly hid behind me while Ambrielle reached for his hair . Ever since she was a baby she's been obsessed with hair . "Hair please" , she smiled as she reached for him .

Lucas picked her up and greeted me as she played in his hair . "Hey gorgeous" , he hugged me then leaned down , "this is my niece Madison . She's 4" . "Hi pretty" , she smiled and hugged me .

I chuckled , "Lucas did you tell her to say that" . Before he could answer Madison spoke up , "no ma'am , he been talking bout you all noon . Him always talking bout you , pretty this , pretty that . It's lik-" .

Lucas cut her off as he sat Ambrielle down who was still messing with his hair , "how about you 3 go play . Aiden , Ambrielle this is Madison . Madison go play" .

We watched as the kids ran off to the play ground and sat down on a bench nearby .

"Pretty huh ?" , I giggled . He rolled his eyes playfully .

"Look I'm sor-" .

I cut him off , "don't worry about it , you're fine . Thank you" .

He looked at me , "you're welcome Aaliyah .. so , can I ask you a question ?" . I nodded , "yea ?" .

"I don't want to seem like I'm digging into your business but is it just you and the kids ? Where's their father ?" .

I sighed , "well , their father and I never really did get along . 1 night I was fed up with his bullshit and I left , taking the kids with me . So it's been me and them since then" .

He nodded as he hand trailed to the back of his neck , "oh . Well , have you ever considered letting another man into their life ? Or even yours ?" .

I should've known this was coming . Although I've known Lucas for a year and a half now , I have no interest in letting a man break my heart again . It's gonna be just me and my kids for a while .

"Lucas I'm sorry bu-" .

"Don't worry about it Aaliyah , I shouldn't of asked . Anyways the twins grew up so fast . Ambrielle is adorable" , he smiled .

I chuckled , "thank you . She's taking a liking to you" . He nodded , "she has a thing with hair doesn't she ?" .

"Oh yea , ever since she was born it's been like that" , I said .

"I don't know where they get all their hair from , you know you bald headed" , he laughed . I playfully hit him .

"Fuck you Lucas" , I laughed , "you know all that hair you got on your head fake as hell" .

He proceeded to pat his hair and smack his lips , "uh uh boo boo this Brazilian . Better recognize" .

We bust out laughing . "You are so dumb" , I said through laughter .

"Good to see I can make you laugh" , he grinned . I rolled my eyes and continued to laugh , "whatever" .


An hour passed and the kids were all sweaty and tired . "Come on Ambrielle , Aiden" , I yelled to them as I grabbed my items .

"Yo Madison , bring ya ass" , Lucas called . They all ran over to us .

"Rude" , Madison rolled her eyes . I love her personality . "Did you guys have fun ?" , I asked the twins . They nodded , "yes mommy" .

The 3 gave each other hugs . "Mommy can we see Madi again ?" , Ambrielle asked . I shrugged my shoulders , "ask Mr.Lucas" .

"Mr.Lucas ?!" , the twins said simultaneously . He bent down , while holding Madison's hand , "what's up kids ?" .

"Can we hang soon ?" , Aiden spat out .

I chuckled silently . Lucas nodded , "of course lil man , as long as it's okay with your mama" .

"It okay wit you mama ?" , Ambri turned , asking . I nodded .

"Now give Lucas and Madison good bye hugs . We have to go home" .

After saying good bye I hugged Madison and turned to Lucas . He was staring me down .

"Hug her Unca Luke" , Madison said pushing us into each other .

I blushed as Lucas turned rubbed the back of his neck nervously . He hugged me .

"Bye beautiful" , he whispered huskily in my ear as he released from the hug .

I watched as he grabbed Madison's hand and they walked off .

"Come on kids"

*The twins at 3 years old

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