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"waaaah, hyung lost!"

jin stared dumbfoundedly at the screen in front of him.

2nd place.

he lost.

for the first time.

the guy beside him already stood up, a smug smirk on his lips. jin turned to him, watching his little victory dance.

'even though he can't dance that well, he's cute anyway', he thought.

he mentally facepalmed himself.

'what the hell was that?! did i just indirectly say that this guy meets my standards?!'

"hyung, are you okay?"

hoseok is looking at jin with a worried expression. jin stood up.

"of course i am. why, hobi?" jin smiled.

hobi smiled back and placed a hand on jin's shoulder. "it's okay, hyung. even though you didnt get 1st place, you are still the best for us."

'hoseok thinks im frustrated because i didnt win?', jin thought.

"2nd place is still okay, hoseok. im perfectly fine, dont worry." he assured him.

"uhm, hi..."

the five of them turned to the sound and saw the guy who won standing behind them. he pushed his specs up and flashed a smile at them.

"that was a nice game. havent had that much fun before. and you're pretty good, too."

jin found his voice soothing, calming, something in his voice made the butterflies in his stomach calm down. he smiled at the guy.

"you were good, too. you were the first one to beat me, actually."

"really? you must be a pro, then." the wink that the guy gave jin wasn't unnoticed by his companions, and so hoseok cleared his throat.

"by the way, im kim namjoon. just namjoon." namjoon smiled and the dimples appeared again.

'his dimples are so cute', jin thought.

"kim seokjin. but they call me jin."

"and we're his friends!" taehyung piped up, making namjoon and jin turn to them. jin almost facepalmed himself.

'why are my friends so embarrassing?!', jin thought, frustrated. don't get him wrong, he loves his friends so much. but we all have those times when you wish they werent your friends because they are embarrassing af.

"annyeong, im namjoon." namjoon said politely and bowed his head at jin's friends.

"hello, i'm jung hoseok. just hoseok or hobi is fine." hobi said and flashed his wide smile.

"annyeonghasaeyo, jeoneun jimin imnida!" jimin said with a small wave.

"im taehyungggggg and ooooh i already have my appaaaaa~" taehyung said and started jumping around. jin blushed as he watched the younger jump around like crazy.

"appa?" namjoon asked. jungkook shook his head and grinned.

"taehyung's surname is kim, and he calls jin his eomma because they have the same surname. and since you're a kim, he labeled you as his appa. btw, im jungkook." he explained and bowed his head when he introduced himself.

namjoon grinned when taehyung clung at him. it took all of jin's strength to not pry those fingers of taehyung away from namjoon not because he's jealous (but he is), but it's because he's acting all insane and he doesnt want namjoon to think that he's weird or something (well, tae really is weird but owell)

"can you be my appa, jebaaaaaal~?" taehyung pouted, did puppy eyes and looked at namjoon.

namjoon snuck a glance at jin and when he saw that he's looking at him, he gave him a wink and turned to taehyung.

jin doesnt know if what namjoon said is directed at taehyung or at him, but his words were something like this:

"of course. in fact,

i can be anyone's daddy..."


still not okay with this oh lord help me pls

there are so many mosquitoes huhu ㅠㅠ my poor legs

can we just talk about how hot namjin looks like in the photo attached like srsly bring the eyeliner era back bighit

anyways, im turning one of my twitter accounts into a fan account slash writer account so follow me if you wanna keep updated of my future works!

twitter: @minyoongiiiiii

or if you wanna follow my personal account, it's @NicholleCJ_iam peeps

and im out


xoxo nikki

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