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jin went inside the male's bathroom and in one of the cubicles and locked the door. he looked at the toilet and decided to sit on it but didnt because he knows how icky it is so he just sat on the floor.

he's not going to cry, he just feels stupid and shit. he got the attention of the whole cafeteria, all for nothing, and he came out as a dumb creature.

no, thats not the main reason of why he is mad tho.

he really got worried earlier. his friends have been into fist fights so he doesnt want them to either get detention or suspension and stuff, and theyre his friends, ofc he wont let the two of them fight and throw away their friendship for something petty.

but then no they were just playing and he was so stupid to assume that it's true.


jimin entered the bathroom and called out, but jin stayed quiet. jimin saw someone sitting behind one of the cubicle's doors.

it's jin.

"hyung, i know youre in here. pls open up."

jin ran his hand through his hair frustratedly and sighed. "j-just leave me alone for a while, jimin."

jimin sighed when he heard jin's calm voice. 'good thing he's not crying', he thought.

"are you sure? we can talk about it if you want..."

jin shook his head. "i'll be out in a few minutes. dont worry, im okay. just a little mad."

"araso. i'll just get my bag from the cafeteria and go back."

jimin exited the bathroom and ran to the cafeteria.

a minute after, the door opened, and jin heard it. he looked at his watch. 'a minute and he's already here?', jin wondered.

"look, jimin. i told you. i need some time alone, so please..."

no one responded, but jin is 101% sure that someone went in the bathroom. he heard it.

"are you okay?"

jin bolted upright, shocked. he looked around and found no one. 'who said that?', he thought.

"w-who are you?" jin held his bag close to him. he knows that his bag wouldnt be able to defend him but it gives him comfort so why not.

"it's me, namjoon. the guy from the arcades, remember?"

'wow, so even my crush is talking to me inside my head. just freaking wow', jin thought.

"you're jin, right?"

jin unconsciously nodded, still looking for whoever it is. he's still sitting on the floor, just not slouched unlike earlier.

"im up here, you know..."

jin looked up and saw that all too familiar face peeking out from the top of the cubicle door, grinning down at him.

kim namjoon.

"oops sorry..."

jin didnt see it coming. namjoon's specs slipped from his face and fell on jin's nose, making the older crumple his face and groan in pain.

"mianhae, i didnt mean to hurt you!"

jin stood up and held the specs in his hand and opened the cubicle door, his other hand rubbing his poor nose. jin looked up and saw namjoon standing in front of him.

"im very sorry. aish, im such a klutz sometimes..."

jin waved his hand. "not your fault. dont worry."

namjoon has a sad look on his face and a pout on his lips as he watch jin rub his red nose. he doesnt know why but he grabbed jin's wrist to stop him from rubbing his nose.

their eyes met.

'his eyes are so foxy omg', jin thought.

'wow, just wow', namjoon thought.

namjoon snapped back to reality and brought his own hand to jin's nose. he softly stroked it. jin was watching him the whole time.

"hyung, im bac--omg sorry sorry!" jimin exclaimed when he saw the two and immediately closed the door, his face flaming.

the two turned red and stepped away from each other. they looked anywhere but each other, making the atmosphere more awkward.


"we should put a bandage on that." namjoon suddenly piped up and grabbed one from his pocket.

he removed it from its packet and stepped closer to jin.

he placed it softly and gently on jin's nose and smiled.

the bandage on his nose is mario-themed, how cute.

jin turned to the mirror and saw the pattern and grinned.

"kamsahamnida, namjoon-ah." his nose doesnt really need the bandage, but it's okay because he got to be so close with the guy.

namjoon grinned. "gwaenchana, jin."

jin fiddled with his fingers. "so, see you around?"

namjoon nodded and stepped closer to jin again

"of course, my mario princess..."

and kissed the bandage on jin's nose.


my poor pinkies are numb huhu

i hope this is okay lol


xoxo nikki

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