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Maya left for her date.
You stayed in your bed.

You get up, walking out of your room to grab some food.

You can't believe you're 18 now.

It felt like just yesterday you and Maya were little 9th graders figuring out who they were.

You're still not sure who you are.

After preparing a snack, chips and dip, you sat on the couch in your apartment living room.

You would've gotten a dorm, but you couldn't stand sharing a room with anyone but Maya.

You knew you had to work soon in order to pay for this place, so you quickly ate your snack before getting ready to go to work.

You work at a candy shop, one day a week, for an hour.
You thought working for a candy shop would be easy, until you found out you had to sort everything.

At least Maya pays half of the rent, since she basically lives here.
She still lives with her mother, but she stops by and sleeps over your house almost every day.

You quickly go to your room after eating and throw on whatever you found, because who cares, You're late.

You run out in a black tank top, jeans, and a jean jacket.

You arrive at work at 11:15.

You're supposed to be there by 10:30


You awkwardly walk in, acting as if you weren't late.
All of your co-workers just sigh.

You smile, walking behind the counter.

"I was supposed to be on break at 10:50, Riley. You owe me."
She informed.

Your smile faded as she left.
You silently wait at the counter, pulling out your phone when seeing no one come in.

You didn't want to look like one of those obnoxious teens that are always on their phone at work, but no one was there.

You checked on Instagram, a picture of Maya immediately showing at the top of your page.

She was with Eliza, her arm wrapped around the red-head's shoulders.

Pumpkinpeach: Date with this babe #forever

You didn't want to be angry.
You just didn't.
But you were.


You said that to Maya hundreds of times.

Maya just can't stop, can she?

You shrug it off.
It is her girlfriend.

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