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This dream. It had always played in your mind when you were extremely tired and stressed.
"Y/N? Y/N! Are you alive? Is something wrong?" Your friend had interrupted your peaceful standing while it was snowing. "I'm fine Yuki. Just go inside. I'll be there in a minute." Your eyes were still closed. Yuki went inside. You could tell by the crunching snow that she ran. All of a sudden, snow started to build up.Making you shiver under the huge,warm coat that was hugging your body, protecting you from cold. "Shouldn't you be inside?" Your eyes were still closed. A mans' voice hugging your ears. You liked it. "Shouldn't you be chasing Yuki, Kaname?" You opened your sparkling (e/c) eyes. His brown eyes widen then he smirked. "She doesn't interest me anymore. You know that Y/N." He walked up behind you,planting a small kiss on your neck. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." You tease. He then was in front of you. "What would you do then?" He looked down. You looked up, planting a small smile onto your face. His lips were close to yours and then suddenly. Your fangs reacted, piercing his lips with them.
You quickly wake up, Your fangs reacted to the dream. Feeling blood flowing out of your wrist. "Goddammit." You murmur. Getting up and heading to the bathroom. You were a Night Class student. Kaname Kuran introduced you to everyone the night before. Finally making it to the bathroom, you lick up the remaining blood and put a bandage around your wrist. Going downstairs, You sit along the couch. Grabbing the box of Pocky out of Senri's hands. "C'mon Y/N, That's my last box!" He tried to grab it from you.Putting your hand on his forehead. "I haven't eaten since I've been here,I'm starving!" You tell him. Akatsuki start to laugh. "Let her have it Senri." He looks at You. You then smile and nod. "I'm telling Kaname!" You yell at Senri. "No! Please! Y/N, don't do that,Please! I'm begging!" He gets on his knees,tears streaming down his face. Kaname comes downstairs,calmly. As usual. " Give her the Pocky,Senri." He looks at him. Senri quickly lets go and sits on the couch. Giving you a glare that said "I'll get you later." "Goodmorning Y/N. How did you sleep?" He asks you. You nod,eating a stick of Pocky. "I slept fine." You lean against the couch arm. "Where did the bandage come from?" He asks you. God, he didn't miss any detail. "I..um..Fell." You start off. "Off of the bed.Wild dream." You manage to lie. "Very well then. Everyone,let's get ready for night class." He says. Starting to head up to your room,he stops you. "Meet me in my room after your dressed,Please." He whispers in your ear. "Okay,Kaname." You tell him. You go into your room,getting the white uniform with black stitching on. Putting your h/l h/c in a half up half down style. You slip your white shoes on and start to head to Kanames room. "King?" You ask,knocking on the door once. Softly. "Come in." He tells you. "You look beautiful." He comes up to you.Taking your hand. He looked handsome in his uniform,along with his messy brown hair. "Thank you. What did you want with me?" You ask,looking at his hand, intertwining his fingers with  yours. "I wanted you to walk with me while going to class." He begins to walk downstairs. You hold onto his hand. "Okay." Is all that you tell him. Everyone else was already at the door. Ruka gave you a glare. You glared at her back. "Why is the new girl walking with you,King Kaname?" She asks him,folding her arms over her chest. "Because, I can." You tell her,smirking. "Enough,Let's go." Hanabusa stood in front of everyone,Making his hand into a gun. The doors open and the sun light hits one eye (e/c) and the other which was emerald green,making them look lighter than usual. You hear the screams of girls. You guess that they're Day Class students due to the color of their uniforms. Which were the opposite of Night Class. "Who wants to get Banged!?" Hanabusa yells. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" He shouts, pretending to shoot girls. "That's not funny." You think to yourself. "Hello Yuki." Kaname speaks to her. She was your friend,which was the reason you're at this school. "Yuki!" You scream. She comes up and hugs you. "Discipline Committee!" She giggles. "Hello Kaname!" She was filled with such cheer.You see a boy with silver hair and light purple eyes. He sees you and looks at your hand,still holding onto Kanames,looking alerted. "Yuki,Let's go." He yells. You're still holding Kaname. He looks down at you,planting a kiss on your head. "Who is that?!" You hear the night class girls scream. "Kaname likes her." They say. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" You could still hear Hanabusa,who was surrounding by girls. You giggle to yourself. "Goodbye Y/N!" Yuki yells,hitting the silver haired boy once more. "Goodbye Yuki! See you around!" You yell. You look up at Kaname. "Who was that guy? With the silver hair?" You whispered. Still walking towards classes. "Zero Kiryu." You stop in your tracks."Z-Zero?" You say. Letting go of Kanames hand.You suddenly remembered his name. "Is he the one that made me this way?"

Vampire Knight x Reader VOL.1 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now