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"Day Classes?" You pulled away from the tight grip of Zero Kiryu. You've never seen him act like this before. He looked down at you, his eyes piercing through yours. "Nevermind. Get out of my dorm." He tells you,grabbing his towel and essentials for his shower. He starts to walk towards the door,You behind him. "Why do you want me to transfer over here?" You're clueless, yet shocked. "Forget about it Y/N." He tells you one last time before he takes off for the bathroom. You just stand there,thinking. Did you want to even be in Night Classes? Wait,Why was Zero even in Day Classes,Isn't he a Vampire? It then hit you. No one else knew about Zero. Or so You thought. You start to run towards the Night Class building. Stopping at a fountain.You just stood there,panting. "Well,It's nice to see you again." You hear a familiar voice. Smirking,you stay in place. "Hello Toga." He walks in front of you. His eye a beautiful blue. You almost get lost in it.
"What's new here? Where's Headmaster Cross?" He asks you. Shaking your head. "I don't know,It's my first night here." You turn away from him. "I remember your parents." He turned away also. "They were very close friends with The Kiryus." He continues. "Zero Kiryu?" You ask,not noticing how fast you said his name. "Yes. That's how you two met.But I have to go find Headmaster. I'm sure we'll see each other around." He tells you,starting to walk towards Day Class. You finally make it to the Night Class building. Going inside, you go up to your room. "I was waiting for you." You hear Kanames voice hit against your eardrums. "I'm sorry. Kaname.." You start off. He stands there,his head down. "You want to transfer over to Day Classes." He tells you rather than you telling him. You're not impressed. "Yes...I was wondering..Could it possibly be tomorrow that I could?" You ask,twisting your (h/c) luxurious hair. "Very well. We will do so tomorrow." He starts to walk to his room. You walk to yours,then the bathroom to shower.
"For Christ Sake,No one new ever wants to stay here with us!" Hanabusa screamed. You came downstairs. Your bags already packed and beside the door. Headmaster had approved your transfer to Day Classes. You look at Kaname,who was not speaking not looking at you. Akatsuki grabbed both of your bags. "Let me help you,Y/N." He looked at you. Saying "We need to talk." With his eyes. You followed him outside. "I don't know why you're carrying my bags.I can carry them myself." You say to him. He shakes his head. "I'd rather do it." Both of you start to walk towards the Day Class building. "I know why you wanted to leave." He starts,stopping at the fountain that you seen Toga at last night. "Wha-" You got cut off. "I know his secret too. You're not the only one."He starts off. "I'm not the only one?..." You whisper to him. Finally making it to the Day Class building,you get your stuff from Akatsuki. "Thank you." You tell him. He nods and start to walk away. You look up the building. "Why'd I agree to this?" You say. "Y/N! You're finally a Day Class member! Welcome!" Yuki tells you,opening the doors to the building,greeting you. You see Zero right beside her."Hello Zero." You tell him as you walk behind Yuki,leading you inside. "Yeah,Hello."He let out dryly. "This is your dorm!" Yuki opens the door to it,looking like different than Zeros. "Don't worry,All of the dorms are not the same."She smiles.You nod,smiling. You watch Zero go into the dorm beside yours.It was his. "I'm screwed." You tell yourself. "Just tell me if you need anything,I'll tell headmaster you're here." "Okay Yuki" You tell her before going into the dorm. Plopping onto the full bed that was in the center of the room,Your door creaks open. "Who is it?" You ask,sitting up. "What comes before 1?" They say. "Shut up,Zero." He opens the door and you throw a pillow at him. "That's not nice." He says,closing the door behind him. "You have no room to say if something is nice or not." You joke. Pissing him off. "This is why I never talk to you or take you seriously,You always joke around.Why the hell do you do that? It isn't cute." He leans against the closed dorm door. Your eyes widen and you start to stare at him. "Well, at least I am nice! At least I know how to get along with people! I don't push people away all the time!" You yell,hurting. His eyes widen. "Nice?!" He steps in front of you, still sitting on the bed. "You aren't nice. You aren't anything." You push him away from you. "I am nice! Stop doubting me all the time!" You screamed. You felt lips smashing into yours. Looking up, The lips belonged to Zero. Quickly pulling away, you pushed him more. "What was that!?" You yelled directly at him. "I'm sorry." He walked close to you. "Sorry my ass! Stop messing with my brain! You always say that you don't want to hurt me,Don't play with my feelings!" You yelled once more. He picked you up without giving a warning. Your fangs reacted, scraping against his neck. The emerald green eye started to beam along with your (e/c) eye.Tightening your grip with your nails digging into his shoulders, You finally penetrate his neck with your fangs. Sucking his blood. Reminding you of sweet candy. Only taking one huge gulp. Pulling away,Zero was just standing there. Eyes closed,breathing heavily. "I'm sorry,Zero.." You started. "How did it taste?" He finally asked,placing your hand on the fang bites. You stared at him. "It reminded me of when I was a child..." You started a sentence again, not being able to finish because of what he said next. "I loved the way your fangs pierced my skin." His eyes finally opened. You placed a kiss on his forehead. "You felt what I felt that night." You whispered against it. Just standing there,both of you. "Excuse me,Y/N." You heard a familiar voice,turning around. There stood Kaname. He had your Night Class uniform in his hands. "You're lovers with Zero now,I presume?" He asks, letting the uniform fall to the  filthy ground. "Kaname,Please let me expl-" You started,but before you could even let any other words out,Zero put his opinion in. "I think it's funny how you use every new girl that comes to the Night Classes, for their blood. You used Ruka." He added. "You were going to use Y/N. I couldn't let that happened." He looked at Kaname. "You wouldn't know anything about The Night Classes, You're almost a level E. And Level Es are weak. You deserve to die,Zero Kiryu."

Vampire Knight x Reader VOL.1 (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ