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I decided to let time passing a bit so the chapter will take place like one year later, something like that...hope that's okay with all of you <3

At the set of Camp Rock 2

In two hours we'll film the scene where I kiss Joe. I'm so excited that my hands were trembling. I sat in the chair and waited for my staylist. She approached my chair and smiled at me encouraging. She knew about me fancing Joe and she found it very cute.

'You'll look perfect for your kiss with him!' She winked at him and I chuckled. She smiled at me and grabbed the make-up. Next she reached out for my wrists and put a good amount of make-up on my cuts. She figured out that make-up was easier than always putting on bracelets which matched my outfit.

'Thanks...!' I laughed. It wasn't awkward with her and my cuts. She knew about it and spoke to me about it. She said maybe therapy our something like that would help me, but when I said I didn't want it she accepted it without arguing. Something I liked about her.

'Nervous?' She asked while she searched for my oufit.

'You could say that!' I grinned at her. Sometimes I really feel like a young school girl having a crush.

'Uii, cute!' She reckoned. I rolled my eyes. She gave me my out fit and told me to change.

While I put the t-shirt on I heard her saying something i couldn't understand.

'What did you say?'

'I said that I'm sure he is a good kisser!'

'I hope!' I grinned to my reflection in the mirrow. Finished.

'You look brilliant as ever and now go and have fun kssing your crush!' My stylist yelled after me. I turned around and sushed her. Not everyone has to know about my crush on Joe! That'd be embarressing!

So I made my way to the place whre the  next will take place. My hands were a bit sweaty. As it was already evening I could see the moon! Beautiful as ever. It was also very fresh and I was cold in my outfit.

'Ah Demi you are here...good good! Now we can start!' The director yelled orders around and I stood in front of Joe, who smiled at me. I smied back and we joed around a bit until the filming started.

'Okay...we will now film the scene where Mitchie kisses Shane!' The director told us abit who exactly we should kiss and stuff like that. A bit awkward to be told how to kiss. Not like I've never been kissed. But after a lot 'Put your head there' 'Close your eyes' the director it was time to film the scene.


First we had to talk a bit about the losing of the competion. And all I wanted was to kiss him already!

There were like fifty persons watching us while I leaned my head torwads Joe and closed my eyes. I grabbed his face in my eyes and gave him a long peck on his lips. His lips felt amazing. So warm and kinda comfy. I slowly pulled back and smiled at him. Wow!!! I am speechless.

But what am I thinking? Someone like Joe won't date someone like me! I have to get this thought out of my head!

After the kiss scene we were finished for this day and I decided to go to my room and watch a movie but I was stopped by Joe's hand. I quickly turned around to face him.

'Hmm?' I asked him.

'I just wanted to ask with you want to come over to my hotel room so we can celebrate the nearly end. Just the two of us?'

I shivered at this words 'Just the two of us'

'But why don't we just celebrate the real end? Not the near end?' I raised my eyebrows at him and he winked at me.

'You know. After the last scene there is always this big party...and I just felt to just celebrate with you alone...after all we are the main characters! We should have our own party!'

Oh God...he wanted to be alone with me?! Maybe he is interested in me? Maybe? A little hope!

'Yes okay! Iw ouldn't mind that! As long as we keep it G-rated!' I flirted a bit with him. Joe laughed and nodded.

'Yes! We can keep it G-rated, I think!'

This conversation was ridicioulos.

'Okay then I'll meet you at yours in ten!'

I nearly ran to my room and searched for a good outfit to wear. What do yo wear at a little party with your crush? Someone please mind to tell me the rules for this? After searching more than minutes I put on a big hoodie and some comfy pants. I checked myself in the mirror. Okay that'll work!

I knocked on Joe's door and I was opened immeaditely.

'Sorry that I'm late! I had to....' C'mon Demi, think of a good excuse! '...brush my theeth!'

Joe's face fell. 'Had I morning breath? In the evening? Was I that bad of a kisser?' He asked shocked. Oh, I didn't think of that. I quickly shook my had.

'Not that! You're not that bad...not the best but also not the worst kisser!' I chuckled and he looked at me fake hurted.

'You hurted my pride, Demi! I don't know if I can trust you ever again!' He wipped away a imagined tear. Joe was such a drama queen.

I sticked my tongue out but entered his room anyways. I looked aroung. There were clothes lying all over the place but the bed was suprisingly made. I saw chinese food standing at the end of the bed and a film.

'I hope you like chinese food! I didn't know exactly but I love it so ...!' Joe flashed me a grin. Food?! Why didn't I think of that? It was clear that he was gonna offer me food! My dumb self like always! I forced a smile and nodded.

'Yes I love it, too!' That was only half lie! I loved chinese food. But I just couldn't enjoy food anylonger, cause I had to look after my weight. And most of the food contains so much colories that I just can't enjoy it. I ask myself how other people can enjoy it? Don't they care about their weight at all?

'So I thought that we maybe watch a movie. I didn't know which one you like so I decided to choose Titanic cuz every woman loves that movie!' Joe said while he pointed to his bed. Titanic? How sweet was that? It was the perfect date, if you could call it a date?

'You like Titanic?' I questioned with raised eyebrows.

'Not really, no! But for you!' Joe smiled at me sweetly and I blushed, just a little bit. Okay maybe a bit much! He watched Titanic extra for me? Why would he do that? Who would do that!

Joe put the movie in and set on the bed next to me. He began eating and prompted me to eat something, too. I hesitantly ate a bite. He was finished with his meal after ten minutes while I only ate some bites. Joe looked at me confused but didn't question it! Such a gentleman!

In the middle of the movie I was cuddled against his shoulder and his arm was rapped around my waist. He was very comfy. I sighed and decided to conentrate on the movie.

During the scene where Jack died  I was sobbing quitely and Joe didn't show any emotion. Boys, really! But he still rubbed my back comforingly.

'I think I should go to my room now!' I said after the movie had ended and I didn't sob anylonger. Joe nodded and stood up. He lead me to door and as I wanted to exist he held me back.


'What?' I turned around and saw a hesitant Joe. Oh God, I think he wanted to kiss me. And really he closed his eyes and kissed me.

unbroken // demi lovato's storyWhere stories live. Discover now