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'Hi Joe!' I tried calling him for days now and finally he picked up.

'Hi Demi!' He answered hesitantly. Joe sounded so sad and hurt. And that's my fault. Well done, Demi!

'I wanted to apology, you know for the I love you-thingy! I'm really sorry! I don't know what's up to me. I'm sorry that I didn't say it back! I'm so dumb and nasty and I hurt the people around me. Maybe I'm even mad. Who knows?!' I fake laughed at the end. Yes, maybe I was mad, wouldn't be surprised.

'Demi! Stop!' Joe interrupted me shocked.


'You are not dumb or any of these things...okay!' Joe said urgently.

'Okay!' At this time I was so annyoed from Sel telling me the whole time I wouldn't be dumb just to be nice. Why can't people say what they really think, like my bullies did back in school. They had told me the truth. Yes it had hurted but at least they didn't lie to me just from pity.

'But I'm still sorry!' I repeated.

'Me, the great master, forgives you!' He tried to joke but I couldn't really laugh at it. I tried to smile, and was happy Joe couldn't see it, because I was sure it looked like a grimace.

'Thanks, I guess!'

'I have to go now Demi! I have a meeting!  But I promise I'll call back later!'

'Okay! Talk to you soon!'

'Bye, Dems!' Joe ended the call. Why did he forgive me so easily? I don't get it. Shouldn't he yell at me how dumb I was? That was how my dad used to do it, when he was angry with me.

I walked to my room and cuddled into a blanket. At my side table laid my mobile phone and I decided to tell Sel from my conciliation with Joe.

Hi Sel, Joe and me propitiated, wanna come over and talk? Dems

Half an hour later I got an response from Sel saying she was out with Taylor and didn't have time, but she was happy for me! Since when did Talyor became more important than me? Last time I checked Sel would be at my door how fast she could do it and now? She got to know a very famous singer and just replaced me? So easily? Did our friendship didn't mean anything to her? Apparently not!

A shiver ran down my spine and I tucked the blanket tighter around me. Nobody had time for me. Joe had something to do, Sel was out with Taylor...and me. I was sitting here in my bed, left alone. Everyone had something better to do! I wanted to die! Nobody needs me here! Nobody wants to spend time with me! Why should I stay alive? Is there one good reason?

Suddenly my phone buzzed. A call from Sel. I didn't pick up. Why should I? I didn't want to here a lame excuse from her!

Sel decided to talk on my voicemail:

Hi Dems. You not there? Well, just wanted to tell you that Taylor had to go to a meeting with her manager and that I'd be free now? I guessed you had the time , cause you texted me not long ago? Apparently you are busy. Okay, love you Demi, see you!

Taylor hadn't the time so she texted me! Shows that I was still her second choice. Few months ago, I had been her first choice. How quickly things changed. How quickly people changed.

At this moment I heard my stomach growl. I made a grimace. I've just eaten yesterday and now I was hungry again! It was terrible. I was hungry all the time but I couldn't eat or I would gain weight again, which I have been losing in these past years. I was so proud I lost so many pounds but I still wasn't skinny enough. Will I ever have the perfect body?

I stood up from where I sat and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirrow and saw big bags under my eyes, which made my face look completely tired and exhausted. I had an interview this evening and knew that my stylist will be frustrated about my look today.

unbroken // demi lovato's storyWhere stories live. Discover now