Part 5

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Avian watched as Zoar happily ate his collected berries. His sharp teeth easily and eagerly chewed through the meat of the fruits. "Mm, that was delicious!" he said, licking up the last berry. "Thanks so much, Ave!"

In truth, the berries were a bit sour and slightly unripe, that would explain their unusually small sizes. But Zoar still smiled, hoping it would make the Riolu feel better again.

Avian smirked slightly. "You're welcome!" he beamed with pride filling his chest. The Luxray gave one last grin before he exhaled and stood to his feet.

"Now that we're both full, we can continue completely vitalized," he said. Avian felt the adrenaline rush to his fingertips; giving the older Pokemon a determined look, his eyes burned with strength. The thought of him being with such a strong and nice Pokemon somehow made him feel... Confident. Like all of his fears had disintegrated into ash.

"Yeah!" He gave him a confirming bob of the head.

"Wonderful!" Zoar smiled. "Then let's get going before sun high."
The two Pokemon had been walking on foot for about an hour. Avian's legs felt slightly fatigued, but otherwise the presence of Zoar made him push forward. Flashbacks of the previous battle he had witnessed the last night were energizing him through the journey ahead, and as they walked, he wondered how he would confess to Zoar about what really happened. He knew that the travel will be fruitless at the end when they eventually arrived at his home. His parents wouldn't be there anyway...

The memories came cascading back like a tidal wave, all of the sounds beginning to echo through his head like screams in a cave.

He kept noticing distinctive colors resonating: blue, black, yellow.


Red flashing eyes in the shadows, dark maroon liquid puddling the algae-colored grass in the thick of the night.

Slowly, yet surely the growls and roars were clawing their way into his mind.

Avian completely stopped moving his legs from follow Zoar, trying not to take it all in. His parent's howls of pain crying through the moonlit moment made the pup shiver with dismay.

It was only a few seconds before Zoar noticed the child had come to a halt all of a sudden. "Ave?" he called. He padded over to the Riolu. His eyes looked as if they were in deep thought and his body was paralyzed. In fear? Contemplation? He couldn't tell. "Avain? You alright, kit?" he tried again, this time nudging the Pokemon gently on the shoulder.

All of the recollections began dissipating when Avian felt the shock on his upper chest. He was finally able to shake off the nightmares of that day and refocus on the Pokemon in front of him. Zoar's eyes gaped, full of concern, into his. "Oh... What...? I'm sorry, were you saying...?" Avian mumbled.

"I asked if you were alright," he repeated. "Are you? You seemed off in your own little world there..." This caused Avian to heat up a bit. Apprehension began to fill up his cheeks.

"Y-yes, I am," he faked the best he could. "Just thinking about home is all." He darted his eyes to their corners sadly, hiding his cracking voice. "...My parents just promised they'd play catch with me when I get home..." The Luxray returned his statement with a reassuring smile.

"Oh, I see," he said givingly. "Don't worry, we'll get you home as soon as possible then, I promise." Even though the Pokemon lied to the other, Avian felt comforted by the assurance in Zoar's eyes. That was when another consideration flashed into his mind, almost entirely pushing aside the dark memory he had just recalled.

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