chpter. 10

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast. Honestly its been a while since I woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs AND freshly brewed coffee. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then went to my vanity and put on some ChapStick. I grabbed my robe and made my way downstairs to the kitchen

"Good morning" I said watching a shirtless August flip some pancakes

"Good mawnin" he responded looking at me smiling then taking the bacon out of the oven. I made my way over to the coffee and started mixing the cream and sugar together. "I made some grits, pancakes, bacon, biscuits, two egg and cheese omelettes, freshly squeezed orange juice for me, and freshly brewed coffee for you of course" I smiled

"You found all of this in my kitchen" I asked blowing on my coffee then taking a sip. He chuckled and nodded

"Yep. I had to at least cook you breakfast for allowing me into your home. I know you have a breakfast meeting but I jus wanted to, you know, show you sum appreciation"

"No thank you for this. It's really thoughtful" I sipped some more coffee

"You look really beautiful" he said grabbing two plates and laying them on the counter then looking at me

"I jus woke up and I have no makeup on"

"You don't need makeup your beautiful without it" he said

"Well thank you at least you notice" I said sipping some coffee

"What you mean" he asked in a concerned tone

"Its just that its been a while since I woke up to this" I said pointing to the food "and it has also been awhile since Scott has noticed or called me beautiful in the morning" I said playing with the rim of my mug

"I don't see how" Aug said "I mean look at you" I continued to look down but I can tell that he was looking at me "how thick your eyelashes are, how much lighter the color in your eyes get in the morning, how pink and plump your lips look, that one strand of hair that constantly falls in your face, the fullness in your hair, to jus your skin period, how it glows, which makes it much easier to see you blush" he said lifting my head causing me to look at him "I notice"

"I don't see it" I whispered to him

"I wish you could see what I see" he leaned down and kissed me and I kissed him back. It's something about August that Scott just doesn't have. And speaking of Scott he still hasn't called me. Why the hell do I sound so shocked??? We pulled back from the kiss and looked at each other. "You ready to eat" Aug asked

"Yes please" I answered sitting on opposite side of the counter. As Aug was making our plates I just sat back and looked at him, more like stared, which was also more like admired. It's crazy how I spent 2 years and 6 months without him...

"I know huh" I heard August say which knocked me out of my thoughts

"Wait wat" I asked kind of lost

"I can't believe we spent 2 years and 6 months apart either"

"Wait.....I said that out loud"

"Each and every word" he said scooting me my plate

"Oh Goodness" I said with my head in my hands. This is going to be a long 2 weeks.

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