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Me and the girls decided to stop by the studio and visit the boys. Sev and Yn were talking about something. What it was, I don't know. My mind was stuck on what Sevyn said. She was right about everything me being stuck at work and at home. This whole time I kind of blamed myself for some of me and Scott's marriage problems because I was quite the workaholic. I mean bills aren't gonna pay themselv...

"INDIA" Yn yelled knocking me out of my thoughts

"Huh" I said lost

"Are u ok? You've been out of it since we left breakfast" a concerned look took over the girls faces

"Yea I'm fine, come on let's get in here and chill with the fellas" we got out the car and walked in the studio. Me and the girls walked in the studio. "Hello hello hello fellas" I said hugging them, Yn and Sev were behind me hugging the guys as well. Aug was in the booth but when he saw me he signaled for them to cut the music and came out. "Hey" I said smiling

"Hey baby girl, wats up ladies" he said hugging me then the girls

"Hey Aug" they both said

"Wat y'all been doin" he asked grabbing a water then sitting down

"We went to breakfast to talk and catch up" Sev answered

"Mhmm" I rolled my eyes

"U aight ma" August asked with a concerned tone

"Yea I'm fine" I heard Sevyn huff her breath

"Okayyy well I have a show coming up and I would like for y'all to come"

"K, I'll note it down. When is it" Yn asked

"On Thursday" She nodded her head. There was an awkward silence in the room then Nathan spoke up

"Ok r y'all sure everything is ok, because y'all would have been telling us stories and jokes about wat happened at breakfast"

"It's nothing I wanna talk about" I said

"Oh really" Sevyn said looking at me

"Yes really" I said with an attitude

"Maybe yur jus ashamed" she said. I started laughing to myself. "Is there something funny" I stopped laughing, and looked at her with my eye brow raised

"U know wat actually yes something is funny. It's funny how the one woman who can't get a man nor keep one is the same woman trying to tell me about mine as if I don't already know my husband" I started getting offended, and mad. "Now if it's one thing I'm ashamed of its even considering your advise"

"India u are so afraid of the truth" I got my stuff and started walking out

"D where r u goin" August asked

"So much for friends" I walked out. I heard Sev saying something and August yelling my name. I got in the car just started crying. I wiped my eyes and started the car. When I pulled up to the house I jus sat there. And the more I sat, the more I thought. Thought about the sacrifices I made for Scott. All the lies I had to believe. All the nights I had to spend alone. How blind I had to be and how stupid I was. Then suddenly I grew pissed. I could feel my pupils grow big, my blood boil in my veins, and I could feel my marriage began to end. I grabbed my things and got out of the car. I opened the front door and slammed it shut. I dropped my things and the keys on the floor and looked around the house. I calmly walked up the stairs into me and Scott's room and went inside his closet.

"All the shit I've done for him." I looked at each rack "One miscarriage, one lost son, and one hella long miserable marriage" I started ripping his clothes, throwing them on the ground and putting his shoes in the trash. "July 6th, 10:35 p.m was the last time we made love. I'm tired of yur bullshit lies, and fucked up excuses" I slammed his cologne on floor and walked outta the bathroom storming down the stairs. I went to the garage to get a wagon, I rushed back upstairs to the game room and yanked his PlayStations, Xbox, games and TV outta the wall and put them into the wagon. I rolled it back to his closet and threw sum clothes in there.

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