chpter. 11

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After my meeting was over with, I was waiting on Sev and Yn to show up so we can discuss last night or what not. While I was waiting I got a text, it was from August

😘Aug😊❤-hey bbygrl how did the meeting go
Me-it went well thank u for asking. Wat have u been up to
😘Aug😊❤-nun really jus at the studio with Nate, the twins, and the rest of the team. Wbu
Me-well I'm waiting on the girls to show up
😘Aug😊❤-well y don't y'all stop by the studio when y'all r done
Me-ok I'll see if the girls r with it and let u know
😘Aug😊❤-ok see u lata bbygrl love u
Me-😊 love u too

"Hey girl" I heard Yn and Sev say

"Hey boo" I kissed their cheeks and they sat down

"So how did the meeting go" Sev asked

"It went well, we have a deal and they want me to defend them in court in two weeks"

"Well they know a good accountant when they see one" Yn said sipping her water

"Good afternoon, are you ladies ready to order" the waitress asked

"I'll have the powdered strawberry pancakes with white wine please" Sevyn said to the waitress

"I'll get the blueberry pecan waffles with whip cream and strawberry bits with white wine as well" Yn placed her order and gave her menu to the waitress

"And for you ma'am" she looked my way

"I'll just have the mixed fruit bowl with white wine and water please" I said

"Would you like a lemon, or lime" she asked

"Ummm lemon please, and may you take out the seeds"

"Yes ma'am, will that be all for you ladies" she asked putting her notepad up and grabbing our menus

"Yes" we said in unison

"Ok then yur food should be out in no longer than 20 minutes" she said and walked away

"Ok" I said smiling. I turned back to the girls and they were both staring at me. "What" I asked confused, "what"

"Now Yn" Sev said turning to Yn

"Yes love" Yn replied

"Correct me if I'm wrong but the last three times we've eaten breakfast here did India always get the strawberry pancakes, with strawberries and blueberries on top and whip cream and pecan bits with a Mimosa" I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair

"If I'm not mistaking yes she has" Yn said looking at me

"These bitches here, I swear" I was shaking my head and looking around "ok so what is the point y'all are trying to make"

"Why are you not eating your regular order" Yn asked, I didn't know what to say

"I'm cutting down on my breakfast" I lied, they only looked at me "what"

"We waitin on you to stop lyin that's what" Yn said

"Why I have to be lyin" they just kept staring at me, "fine Jesus. August cooked breakfast for me this morning so I'm not really hungry for the regular strawberry pancakes this time" they started cheesing and squealing "I don't know why y'all are getting happy it was just breakfast"

"What kind of breakfast" Sevyn asked

"What you mean"

"Like was it a simple pancakes, eggs, sausage and coffee type breakfast or a full course meal type breakfast" Yn asked

"Well.......a full course meal" I mumbled while drinking water

"What" they asked

"A full course meal" I said clearly and they went wild "oh my God will you two be quiet, we are in a public place"

"Was he wearing a shirt" Sev asked a little too interested


"Yes or no" I let out a long sigh

"No" they looked at each other

"Damn, now that I would love to see" Yn said, and Sev nodded her head. I just shook my head

"Tell us everything that happened last night" before I could say anything, the waitress came with our food. We said thank you and she walked away, but as soon as she was gone the girls went back to asking the question I didn't want to answer. "Ok, continue by telling us what went on. Wait"


"You said August cooked you breakfast, which means he either got up bright and early from his hotel suite and has a key to your house or he slept over last night. Now the only way a man would get up early for a woman and cook her breakfast is when the loving was incredible the night before. So Ms. India, which one is it" Sevyn asked, I looked up at her with a dead look

"Me and August did not have sex"

"Well did he sleep over" Yn questioned

"Yes" I simply answered

"So what happened" she asked again

"At first we were good, then I got out the shower and we got on a rough patch"

"What happened" Sev asked confused

"He looked through the wedding album"

"Aww man, what did he say"

"He was pretty hurt, then we argued, fussed, cussed and went separate ways. Then in the middle of the night, I heard a ruckus in the kitchen and it was him drinking at the bar. We talked, reasoned and we kissed. He carried me upstairs and I tried to sleep with him. I don't even know why cause it was a stupid decision, but anyways we fell asleep together and I woke up to the smell of food" I explained everything, they just had their eyes wide and mouths open

"So he didn't want to sleep with you" Yn asked

"Its not that he didn't, he just didn't want me to seem unfaithful in my marriage. I don't know what I was thinking"

"Shit it sounds to me like you were thinking pretty smart" Sev said, all I did was look at her and shake my head "what, I mean come on D you need to be able to loosen up. You surround everything around your marriage, and I'm sorry but I personally don't think its fair how your husband gets to go on vacation every two or three weeks outta the month while your at home trying to be the best wife of the year and stressing yourself at work. No real woman should allow herself to go through that kind of pain"

"What pain" I asked kind of offended

"The pain I see in your eyes every time I see you. But yesterday when you seen August you had a different look. A look of love and lust, the look you once had when you looked at Scott" I looked away and shook my head, I don't kno why though cause everything she said is true. I know that Scott is hiding something and must likely doing extra things outside of our marriage, things he shouldn't be doing, but I don't want to just leave and forget all the things we went through. He is my husband and I did vow that I would love him through thick and thin and for better or worse. Maybe that's what's keeping me here. I just pray God sends me a sign for the better of the best and guide me in the right direction.


😢😢 sorry guys I haven't updated, but I promise to update more chapters soon. But I hope you guys enjoy this one.

Love y'all💓💙💜💎...!!!!!!!!

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