chpter. 13

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I woke up in the guest room. I turned around and seen a shirtless, sleeping August laying right next to me. I stared at him, he is so beautiful. I don't really feel bad about last night. It allowed me to realize that I deserve someone and something better. Which is August.

"U know it's known as being rude to stare" he said. His morning voice made me want to hop on top of him

"You are jus very beautiful"

"Beautiful" he chuckled

"Yes beautiful, is something wrong" he stretched while shaking his head

"Ian beautiful" he said with his eyes closed

"Oh really, what are you" I asked. He opened one eye and looked at me

"I'm sexy" he said, we stared at each other and bust out laughing

"Okayyyyy" I said about to get up till he pulled me back

"What u trynna say, ian sexy" I bit my lip and pecked his lips then got up and went to the bathroom "So you not gon answer. You kissing me ain gon make me forget the question" I giggled and rolled my eyes and turned the sink on. August came in and stood behind me. I looked up at him through the mirror and gave him a quick smile and continued to brush my teeth. When I was done I was about to wash my face but August spun me around and lifted me on the counter. We stared at each other for a while. Then he finally spoke

"What's on yur mind" he asked. I just shook my head

"Nothing" I lied

"Yur lying to me"

"No I'm not"

"India I've known you​ since we were in daycare. I know​ every emotion, every feeling, every truth, and every lie. Tell me what's going on" I looked down and a single tear came down my face

"I'm loosing myself and everyone else in this mess. I have a full time job that works me like a slave. I'm married to and unfaithful man. I'm loosing my friends and my best friend has my heart. My whole life is falling apart in my hands and I don't kno wat to do or who to turn to. August I'm lost" I kept crying and August wrapped his arms around me

"Shhhh babygirl let me explain something to u," he lifted my head and looked directly in my eyes, "if u have no one to turn to, u have me. I will always be right here beside u. To wipe away yur tears, to defend u, to back u up, and to fulfill yur every need. I love u and I don't mean as a best friend." We stared in each other's eyes until I could get my words together

"I love u too August" I said in a whisper. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead

"I'm about to go make breakfast" I smiled

"Ok" he walked out and went downstairs. After I washed my face I went in the room and was about to go downstairs till I seen Scott's picture pop up on the screen. I was hesitant to answer at first but as usual my body did it's own thing.

Phone Convo:

Scott💔💍✍-hello Mrs. Smith (I rolled my eyes at the sound of that)
Me-what is it Scott
Scott 💔💍✍-you trynna rush me off the phone
Me-no of course not I'm sorry (why the hell do I always do that. Apologize when he's the one doing wrong). It's just that I haven't spoken to you in a few days
Scott 💔💍✍- I kno baby I kno and that's because I've been really busy
Me-im sure u have been
Scott 💔💍✍-wat was that baby
Me-nothing. Wat made you call
Scott💔💍✍-well one I really missed you, and two I wanted you to know I'm coming home (I froze) you still there
Me-yea um when are you coming home Scott
Scott 💔💍✍-well my flight leaves at 4 so I should be home by 7-7:30
Me-how you getting to the airport
Scott 💔💍✍-ummmm...... Uber (first lie. He told me 3 times before that he doesn't trust Uber)
Me-oh ok well I have to go I'll see you when u get here
Scott 💔💍✍-ok can't wait. Love you
Me-yea you too. Talk to you later bye
Scott 💔💍✍-bye

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