16. Should I Wear it on a T-Shirt?

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।



Dimples. Thunderstorms. Algebra.

Still better than getting lectured about my life decisions.

"You get it now?" Liam stares at me in a way that makes me fidget a little. Surprisingly, I do kind of get it. It's just like simple math, only with letters. You take away the positives and... add the negatives? I don't quite get all that yet.

"I think so," I say slowly, allowing my eyes to drift to the page to avoid the boy's gaze. As out of place as I felt, I'd been in this room countless times. It's Mason's old room, with an imposter living in it.

We sit at his desk, two chairs angled awkwardly toward the equations that continue to give me a headache. Mason never had a desk in here. Mason didn't really study that much.

I think the worst part about being in this room again is seeing the different furniture, the different personality. There is no mahogany in the entire house anymore. It's all sharp angles and glass and stainless steel. It looks like I've stepped into the future.

Unlike my house, which is painted like a tacky American Dream, Liam's parents have decorated the rooms out of a modern magazine. It kind of makes me feel nauseous.

When I rang the doorbell (which, funnily enough was the same as always), a thin woman with a cropped blonde bob greeted me. Not short and wild haired like Sally at all. She sized me up with bright grey eyes and called Liam down, a red lipstick smile painting over the last two years of memories.

Sharp edges and metallic shades that were skewed artistically turned my stomach over again and again.

"So," Liam's voice brings me back to the present, making me realise that I haven't even scrawled so much as a number since he gave me the go ahead. He doesn't seem to mind, eyebrows raised casually. Or, at least, an attempt at casualty. "Any plans this weekend?"

Actually, most of my weekends consisted of either long skype chats with Mason or something I really didn't want to do with the girls. Like shopping. Honestly, they buy outfits on the weekend, wear them during the week, and never again. What happens to the old ones? Do they just toss them out? They should give them to a good cause... me.

Saying that, everytime they try to force me into their own clothes, I writhe and whine and gag.
I just really don't like dresses, okay?

"Not exactly," I exhale, still staring at the textbook question. I don't remember doing any of this.

"Well, are you free on Saturday?" There's a hopeful edge to his voice that makes me wonder at the proposed tutoring session. For some reason, it glues my eyes to the empty page a little more forcefully. I think my palms are getting clammy.

"Actually, I have plans that day." I say quickly, though I'm not sure where it comes from. There's just a knowing in my gut that is forming words that could be suicide or saviour.

"Oh," A little dejected, and my knuckles are turning white around the pencil I'm holding. "Well, I was going to say we could get a coffee or something...?" He trails off, and I don't look to see the plain awkward expression to go with his question.

Coffee? What does coffee have to do with studying? Unless you were Adam.

Surely Liam Thomson is not asking me out on a date. Of course not. I barely know the guy and I am very much taken. Spoken for. Unavailable. Off the market.

"I have a boyfriend, Liam." Instantly I want to eat my words. You idiot. How assuming do I sound? Listen to Tori, the snobby priss from next door who thinks all the boys are after her.

Goddammit, Tori.

Mason would be laughing at me right now. He would punch Liam square in his nancy-boy jaw first, but then he would definitely laugh at me.

Finally, I find the confidence to twist my head to the now silent brunette. He's staring at the floor, grey eyes wide with embarrassment. I think I can even see a pink tinge to his cheeks. He opens his mouth once, twice, three times.

"I – I thought you... knew." I stutter, adding the last word quietly. God, I am such an idiot. Go into a boy's house and turn him down.

Well, it's not like you could accept.

True. But I can soften the blow... or add insult to injury. God, I hope it's not the latter.

"You should ask Katherine out," I nod slowly at my own idea, "She really likes you."

This takes him off guard, "Really?"

Maybe. "Definitely. She's into you, Liam. And she's single." Not all lies, just a little bit of stretched truth.

If the truth was taffy.

Oh, shut up!

"Well, I better get going." And I close my book, sending him an apologetic look for something that isn't my abrupt exit.

He shakes himself out of a daze, smiling weakly as I turn and head toward his window out of habit. "Where are you... going?" He makes an odd face and I realise that this is probably a little odd to him. I'm just so used to creeping out of Mason's –

This isn't Mason's room anymore.

Right. I can't get too comfortable here. Not with Liam, a complete stranger who seems to be staring at me a little too much. Should I wear a t-shirt with my boyfriend's face on it? Maybe we could get matching ones.

I'll suggest the idea to him when I call him later. He's going to love it.


"Sorry, just..." I shrug and plaster on a fake smile as I sneak toward the door, "Old habits die hard, I guess."

I send him a final nod before exiting the unfamiliar room that I've been in so many times. I've even slept in there. I shudder at the thought now.

"See you around, Tori." I hear him call back and I cringe.

Now it's time to face a step mother who wants to talk about a future I don't have. Oh, joy.


Yay! Bulk updates this weekend (when I really should be doing assessment)! I've missed writing. :')

The Separation Situation: Sequel to The Renovation Complicationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें