Chapter 29

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Jason POV
Last night I knocked out , well we all
Knocked out at my house. I was worried like I was a mess. First of all we have no f***ing clue where they are. Second I can't be getting my ass in trouble. I sighed and took my pills and saw that coffee was made. I needed it at the moment. Ryan also was a mess, like my bro had no swagger 😂. We were just chatting till it hit me. Jake doesn't know s*** about this. I gotta call him up. I dialed his number within rings he picked up .
Jake - Yo what's up man
Me - A bunch of crap man like no idea Jake- well talk to me Me - you see how you warned me. Jake - yea. Me- well they kidnapped Vanessa and Ryan's girl. I heard him curse at the other end .
Jake - I'll be right over. With that he hung up. I sighed , alright at least we have Jake. "
And me " Kenny said out of no where. I looked at him confused " Jase I told the rest of the officers and they are willing to help because they want to put Khalil is prison. For years of crime. And before you ask. They are going to let you slide just This once because your a victim. " I bro hugged him then smirked at Ryan. I always get my ways man.  Minutes wrong the bell rung and there stood Jake. He he greeted the whole crew because by now everyone was up. I was still type distracted because the location wasn't the same.  Then Jake said " I think I got the new location, we shall all go tonight please trust me on this.  I know Khalil more than anyone ". We all nodded in agreement. " Also he can find some way to track us to we gotta be ghetto yet professional. I will as well be getting info from
Him but he hasn't been texting me. I guess it's cuz of this reason." He spoke . Since we had the crew and a mob of officers joining tonight. The girls decided to say and track all of Khalil spot. But I guess he recently got a new one.  I really to smoke so I pulled one out and did it right there on the spot. What I mean my house. Everyone looked at me and shock. I knew it was because first I haven't done it in awhile because I was stuck in jail. Second , I've stopped because I've had the person I love always with me. Big now she's somewhere stuck wit her best friend ; I must admit I'm
Worried , angry , and stressed out. I needed this. Then Ryan snatched it out of my hands and took a puff. He then started coughing. I could help but laugh. He then said between coughs " I-I'm choking *Cough a- and * cough bother to even help " he finally finished his eyes all watery I laughed again his face was priceless. I then said while laughing " Not my fault you forgot how to smoke man " he gave me a glare deep and you can tell he was joking around. " Who said I forgot ". He said smirking. I tried to keep calm but started laughing again " yea that explains you coughing a storm ". See this is the goofy said of Jason. Vanessa finds this cute.  Ugh how I missed her. I took another puff.  Ryan just glared at I started to laugh which quickly resulted into me coughing.  Then Ryan laughed " Look who's coughing now ".   I gave him a glare.   I swear tonight better go well so I can have my girl in my arms. I needed her !!

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