7. Farsi Is The New French (i)

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Finally! We meet the family. 

"This is really happening," Amir said out loud as the taxi got close to Sebastian's neighborhood. So far the suburbs were everything he'd imagined after watching binge watching Desperate Housewives. Big, gorgeous houses, unnaturally perfect lawns and one or two joggers in actual spandex.

He was anxious.

"It is," Sebastian said with something that resembled resigned nonchalance. He'd noticed how off Amir seemed the previous night after taking a phone call in the bathroom. He asked but the other man shot him down predictably. Amir assured him that it had nothing to do with finally meeting his family and all was well on that front for the moment.

Sebastian backed off the matter but mentally reminded himself to revisit it later. His friend had a habit of shoving away his emotions like they didn't matter until inevitably, it all burst out in one ugly hurricane of feelings. He knew it well. After all he'd comforted Amir through a few emotionally constipated episodes and a very weird break up a few years back.

He would keep a close eye on the other man just in case.

"I'm so nervous. What if they don't like me? What if your grandpa has weird mind reading powers and instantly discerns that I'm a gold digging opportunist?" Amir babbled on.

Bas couldn't help rolling his eyes. A wonder that they hadn't gotten stuck in his head since morning "If that we the case I'd be incarcerated for all the thoughts I've had in his presence. You'll be just fine Amir. Relax and be yourself."

"Ok," Amir muttered.

Sebastian patted his knee in encouragement. The taxi slowed down as they pulled into his street. "Home sweet home."

"Wow!" Amir exclaimed. "This is where you live?" it made him feel ashamed that he couldn't even keep the awe from his voice. He tried to hard not to be the guy who gawked at his friend's wealth but it was quite hard to refrain from doing so.

"Honestly it's just a regular house to me," Sebastian spoke modestly.

Amir scoffed. Sure he would say something like that. The house was 5000 square feet colonial style home perched on a tree lined cul-de-sac. For a moment Amir couldn't even get himself to move from the seat until the taxi driver snapped him out of it.

"Going out yet?" the man asked not unkindly. Sebastian had already come out to remove their luggage from the boot (or trunk as it was called in America. He was really going to have to get used to the astute dialect changes).

"Yes. Sorry about that," He quickly got out of the car and went to help Bas with the luggage. As soon as the last bag got out, the taxi man received his tip and sped off leaving the two men alone on the street. Sebastian placed his hand on Amir's shoulder "I need you to take a deep breath and not freak out no matter what."

The other man nodded frantically "I can do that. I have a plan."

"We have a plan and we're going to stick to it right?" Sebastian repeated. Amir nodded again, slower this time and quickly muttered a prayer in his head. He had a plan. He could do this. Surely it wasn't as hard as his mind definitely made it out to be? How hard could it be to win completely win over an entire family? Amir counted slowly, from one to five to ease his nerves until-

"Sebastian!" An attractive woman in her mid-thirties with shoulder length brown hair similar to Sebastian's appeared from the front door in a semi-formal floral dress and ran right into him. From her appearance and age, Amir immediately assumed correctly that this was Charlotte, his sister.

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