Beach Babe

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I walk down the beach, sighing and stretching. A girl walks up and starts flirting, but I ignore it. I see a boy sitting on the rocks, so I decide to go over. As I get closer, I notice that he's crying, and fully clothed.

"Hey!" I say loudly so he can hear. He looks up, watching me jog over.

"Who are you?" He questions.

"My name is Benn, I saw you up here alone so I decided to talk to you." I say.

"Oh." He says quietly. I climb up and sit in front of him, crossing my legs.

"So why are you crying?" I ask.

"My ex just dumped me for one of those girls over there. He lied... he told me he was gay!" He cries. I pull him into a hug and he curls into my arms, crying.

"Shhh, I know the feeling. What's your name, cutie?" I question.

"Zeke.." He mumbles.

"Well, Zeke, let's go hang out somewhere else, okay?" I say. He nods and pulls back, wiping his eyes. I climb off the rocks, helping him down. I carry him bridal style, not wanting him to get his shoes wet.

"Wow... you're really strong." He blushes.

"I workout, cutie." I smirk in return. He blushes and smiles shyly. I bring him to my car, setting him down

"W-where are we going?" He asks.

"My place, if that's alright." I say. He climbs into the car and nods. I start it and drive the short distance to my beach house.

"Woah..." He mumbles, starting at the large house. I smile and climb out, taking his hand and leading him inside.

"Benn this is huge!" He squeaks.

"I know, but it's lonely as hell when you have nobody to share it with." I sigh. He nods and I bring him to my room, letting his hand go.

"So this is where the magic happens." He giggles softly.

"Oh, that can happen anywhere I  this house. Turn around, unless you want to watch me change." I smirk. He looks away and I slide my swim trunks off, and I feel his eyes on me. I purposely turn around, going to my dresser and grabbing some boxers.

"You know, I can tell you're looking." I chuckle as I slide them on.

"I-I um you just well... you're really hot..." He squeaks. I smirk and pull him to me, sliding the sweatshirt off and letting my hands roam his body. I lean down, smirking and kissing his ear.

"Well, I wouldn't be able to look away from you either." I smirk. He shudders and smiles.

"Good lord I'm going to die. You're possibly the hottest guy I've ever met, and you're touching my bare chest." He says. I laugh softly and pick him up, kissing his neck hard. He moans, shivering and biting his lip.

"Do you have anywhere to stay, baby boy?" I ask. He tears up and shakes his head.

"I lived with him..." He says sadly.

"Now you live with me." I smile. He hugs me tightly, my arms instinctively wrapping around his small frame.

"Thank you so much..." He whispers. I kiss the back of his neck, smiling softly. I set him down on my bed, smiling softly.

"Do you need anything?" I ask.

"You.." He whispers. I smirk and lean forward, kissing his soft pink lips. My hands rest on his hips and cheek, my lips gently moving with his. He wraps his arms around me, kissing back. I pull away, smiling softly.

"That was the best kiss I've ever had." I chuckle. He pulls me back for another, kissing me as if it was the last day of his life. I pull him to me and sit down so he's straddling my hips. I pull back, hugging the sweet boy in my arms. He gets up, pulling his pants off before crawling into my arms.

"What?" He giggles.

"Nothing, cutie." I whisper. He nuzzles my neck, smiling. My doorbell rings, causing me to groan.

"Whyyyyyy?" He pouts. I get up and pull my pants on, him resting a hand on my chest.

"Can you stay up here, baby boy?" I ask him..

"Okay, promise you'll come back?" He pouts.

"I live here, I'm not leaving. But yes, I'll come back just for you." I chuckle. He lays on the bed, tossing me my shirt. I pull it on as I walk downstairs, opening the front door.

"Baby!" My ex girlfriend says.

"Acacia, we aren't together." I growl.

"I left her just for you, baby." She smirks.

"I moved on, you're taking away time from me and my boyfriend." I say plainly, crossing my arms.

"What?! Ugh, I left her for you and then you go and get a boyfriend?! How could you not want me!" She whines.

"Leave. Get off my property or I will call the cops." I growl.

"Baby?" I hear behind me. I turn and see Zeke in one of my shirts with no pants. I pull him over and smile, kissing his head. He's really short, like about 5'1.

"Hey baby boy, this is my ex, Acacia." I smirk.

"Oh so you're his slut..."She growls and slaps Zeke, causing me to push her out the door.

"Get the fuck away!" I scream. She drives away, Zeke crying into my side.

"Baby boy, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I whisper as I carry him to the bedroom. Tears begin to slide down my cheeks, him looking up and wiping them away.

"No, Benn, don't cry..." He whispers. I kiss him, sitting on the bed with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I whisper. He kisses my lips, my hands on his thighs.

"Daddy stop, I'm okay." He whispers. I smile, hugging him tight.

"You're a naughty boy, aren't you." I smirk softly. He wiggles his cute butt, giggling.

"Maaaaaybe." He says. I smack his little butt, kissing him.

"I didn't think the back could have such cute guys." I smirk.

Summer Lovin'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora