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"I really don't like the sound of this party..." I say to my roommate.

"Come on, Lucifer! It'll be fun, maybe you'll get a guy or girl." My roommate, Blake, says.

"Ugh... fine." I mumble, going to my closet and changing. I walk out in a fitting flannel over a black, black skinny jeans, and my red converse.

I'm Lucifer Michael Foley. Yes, my name is really Lucifer, my parents were... odd. I'm 19, and I just arrived at my university last week. Blake is forcing me to this "welcome newbies" party, and I'm not digging it.

"You look great now let's go." He groans, dragging me out of the room. He walks downstairs and put of the building, going to a frat house with music blasting. As soon as we walk in, a girl walks up to me

"Hey, big boy, wanna dance?" She smirks, I look at Blake, who smirks and nods.

"I'd love to dance with such a beautiful girl." I say, flashing my straight, white teeth at her. She giggles and and I snake my arm around her waist, my hand on her butt.

"So what's your name, hot stuff?" She asks, turning around and smiling. I rest my hands on her hips and smile again.

"I'm Lucifer, my parents weren't exactly normal. I promise that I'm much nicer than the real deal." I wink.

"Im Lydia." She tells me. I let hr move her hips to the beat, having a good time.She is insanely pretty, with her big green eyes, blue hair and her short stature. We start dancing, and I see a guy walking over. Just as he's about to get to me, the girl kisses me. He gets a completely heartbroken look and walks away, running out.

"I'm sorry but I gotta go." I say, walking out and going in the direction of the guy. I find him leaning against the wall, crying.

"Why would I ever think that I'd get a chance!" He sobs.

"Ya know, I didn't kiss back." I smirk. He looks up and his eyes become the size of saucers.

"I-I um I just..." He says before breaking down. I move closer, standing in front of him.

"Hey, don't cry." I tell him. He sniffles and looks up, wiping his eyes.

"I-I just embarrassed myself in front of possibly the hottest and nicest guy I've ever met." He says.

"I'm not really nice to people, trust me. You don't want me, I'm a player, manwhore, fuckboy. You name it. I hurt feelings, break hearts, all of the above." I explain.

"I-I... this is my first time having feelings for a guy..." He mumbles.

"Once I get to know you, maybe something will happen." I tell him. He smiles as I light up a cigarette, taking a drag off it.

"I-I'm Sin, by the way..." He mumbles shyly.

"Our names go together perfectly, because mine is Lucifer." I smirk.

"Really?! That's so cool!" He says with excitement. I chuckles and blow smoke out of my nose, smiling.

"Yours is too." I tell him. He blushes and looks at my outfit, blushing as I catch him checking me out.

"U-um you're hot!" He blurts out, hiding his face with his hands. I laugh softly and smirk.

"You're cute too." I wink. Blake texts me that the party was busted, so I smile and take his hand.

"It got busted, run." I smile. He looks confused until I start running, pulling him behind. He stumbles and let's out a whimper.

"Ow! Lucifer, I-I can't!" He cries out.

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