
26 1 6

I was tagged by BlackGalaxyCat
1. What is your favorite fairytale?
I don't really have one.
2. If you could live anywhere on Earth, where would it be?
Either somewhere in Korea or in Japan. I want to learn one of the languages.
3. Last book you read?
Username: Evie, by Joe Sugg.
4. Which anime character can you relate to the most?
Maes Hughes, I took a quiz really quickly.
5. What is your nickname?
Well, my name is Nicole, but my nickname is Nikki.
6. What is your spirit animal?
Shane Dawson.
7. If you could have any animal, what would it be?
A fox, I guess.
8. Are you afraid of the dark?
Only after watching horror movies.(I'm a wimp.)
9. Do you smile for pictures?
Yes, I do, usually.
10. Biggest pet peeve?
When people insult people and things I like.
11. Favorite type of sandwich?
Ham and cheese, with mayo.
12. What is your Chinese zodiac animal?
I think it's a lion.
You've been tagged!!!!!

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