*groan* I got tagged

28 3 0

I got tagged by FluffyInReverse
Do I have a crush?
Wouldn't you like to know....

Middle name?

Either 5'3 or 5'4

Shoe size?
Like a 8-9 in women's shoes.

Eye color?
Blue. Like a light blue, I guess.

Last time I cried?
I have no clue, I can't cry. It's almost physically impossible for me. Kinda sucks.

Biggest fear?
What, are you people trying to kill me or something?

Last song I listened to?
I don't remember. Some song that Chloe Trevor and her friend played at their concert. It was a Halloween song.

Last person I texted?
I texted the person I keep getting shipped with.  Seriously guys, stop.

Favorite app?
Wattpad???? I don't know.

I TAGGED YOU BECAUSE YOU BUG ME. (Kidding, or am I? Lol I'm so kidding don't hate me please.)

Just Random CrapWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt