How I Feel in Orchestra

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   I walk into my small orchestra class room, it's 80's walls popping out at me constantly. This place is the only reason why I look forward to going to school. I feel free when I play the violin, I feel relaxed.

   We always do warm ups after grabbing our stands and chairs. The cello's and bass's sound vibrating through my violin, my chair, and my ears. I'm happy in there.... It's my safe room. It's my sanctuary.

   Now comes the time when we play songs. We're always a little bit rocky when we get a new piece, but that's normal for our level of skill. We are in fact, practically beginners, at least I am.

   My bow always glides across the strings on my violin as I try to use my fingering as accurately as possible, instantly focusing me on  making the piece sound and look as good as possible, making me forget about the outside world for just a little bit.

   I never thought I'd say that I enjoyed a certain class in school because it made me happy, I always thought I'd hate every class I ever have in school because it's not fun, but look at me, admitting that I'd rather die than give it up.

   Violin provides me with a way to channel my creative energy into something I truly enjoy. I've never even had a favorite teacher before, until last year, when I joined beginning orchestra.

   So thanks orchestra, for making me actually LOOK FOWARD to school, even if it's only for one class period, for actually making school bearable.

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