Chapter: 1-2

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Chapter 1

The fans were screaming and the noise was deafening.  All five girls had just finished a really fast and punishing dance routine and were fighting to get their breath back as the lights went up again.  Kimberley started speaking to the crowd and Cheryl looked at her friend adoringly from her place at the back of the stage.  She was amazed at how quickly Kimberley could regain her composure after such a fast and exhausting number.  Cheryl was still leaning against one of the male dancers, barely able to support her own weight.  

As Kimberley introduced the next song, Cheryl took her place next to Kimberley and waited for Kimberley to put her hand on her shoulder, just the way they always started this song.  Kimberley shuffled closer and put her hand across Cheryl onto her shoulder and turned to look at her, smiling as Cheryl lightly rested her hand on top of Kimberley’s arm.  As the music started to thump out of the speakers, Cheryl winked back at her friend as they started the dance routine.  The fans in the crowd starting to sing along with the familiar hit as the girls moved around the stage, singing and dancing, exchanging glances and smiles with each other all the time.  As they got closer to the end of the song the girls joined together in the middle of the stage, Kimberley moving across a bit further to stand next to Cheryl and put her arm around her waist.  Cheryl responded as they sang the last few lines of the song, and as the lights went down Kimberley felt her friend pulling her into an embrace.  

“Guys come on” shouted Sarah as she ran past the two of them.  It was time for the last quick costume change before the final part of the concert.  Cheryl broke away first and moved her hands down Kimberley’s arms, grabbing hold of her hand with one of her own and pulling her towards the exit at the side of the stage.  They both ran off stage as fast as they could and down the little corridor, giggling about a banner they’d seen on the front row about “Chim”.  “We should just snog on stage Kimba – that’d give ‘em something to talk about” laughed Cheryl as she pulled Kimberley through the dressing room door.  Kimberley turned to look at Cheryl as she quickly pulled off her clothes and stood into the new outfit.  “What?!”  Cheryl looked up as she zipped herself into her new outfit to see Kimberley looking at her with genuine confusion on her face.  “Well it’d be a laugh wouldn’t it?  All over the tabloids tomorrow – maybe front page”.  Kimberley stood staring at Cheryl for what seemed like an eternity, long enough for the dresser to shout over and ask if she needed help getting into the last skimpy costume as she busied herself helping Nadine into hers.  Kimberley shook her head slowly and quickly pulled the costume up over her shoulders, as Cheryl swiftly moved over to her and grabbed hold of the zip, starting to zip her friend in.  Kimberley flinched.  “God man, what’s up with you tonight?  You’re acting all weird on us.  Last thing I need right now”, snapped Cheryl as she finished zipping her in.  “Nothing, I dunno.  I’m just tired I guess.  Long night.  What do you mean - last thing you need?”  Cheryl walked round Kimberley to face her, but at that moment the stage hand shouted through, “15 seconds girls” and Cheryl turned towards the exit.  “Come on, let’s get out there”.  And with that she was gone, tottering off precariously in her 3 inch heels.  Kimberley stood still, staring after her friend until Nicola grabbed hold of her arm and started to drag her.  “Kimberley”, she screamed, we’ve got like 5 seconds to get on them podiums.  Move your ass”.  And Kimberley somehow ended up on her podium, across the stage from Cheryl just in time for it to start rising as the music started.  

Kimberley looked at Cheryl whilst Nadine was singing the first few lines of the song.  She was dancing, moving to the music, smiling at the crowds on the first few rows.  But Kimberley could tell something was wrong, not that anyone else would, but 7 years of close friendship meant she could tell.  How hadn’t she noticed before?  What was bothering her?  It had to be bad, Cheryl loved touring, she’d never let anything spoil her enjoyment or her performance on tour.  Kimberley kept on looking at her friend as she took over lead vocals from Nadine, stepping down from the podium and walking towards the centre of the stage.  

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