Chapter: 11-12

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Chapter 11

Kimberley smiled.  “You’re leaving Ashley?”  

Cheryl smiled back and took Kimberley’s hands in her own.  “Of course I am.  First thing in the morning I’ll call him, it’s too late now.  I’ll get Hilary onto it – the legal side of things.  I don’t love him.  I love you, I want to be with you, I want to make you happy.  And I should have told you that years ago”.

Kimberley’s smile got wider.  “I left Justin because of you.  I couldn’t be with him anymore.  It wasn’t fair on him - when I was only with him because I couldn’t be with you”.

Cheryl’s phone beeped as a message arrived.  She picked it up and looked at the screen.  “Nicola”, she said, and read the message out loud.  

“I’m made up babe, you deserve better.  Speak tomorrow.  And I love Kimberley too – and you, loads.  xxx”.

“Of for f*ck’s sake” Cheryl moaned.  “I’ll text her back”.  

Kimberley took the phone off Cheryl and put it on the table.  “Leave it, we’ll sort it tomorrow.  We’ve got more important things to get done tonight” she said suggestively and winked at Cheryl.  The phone beeped again.  “Sarah!” said Cheryl, picking it back up.  Kimberley rolled her eyes, much preferring to ignore the phone, but Cheryl was already reading the text aloud.  

“About f*cking time.  He doesn’t deserve you, never did.  But I can’t believe you left so early, even before Nadine did.  Nic has stopped dancing and I need a partner.  Come back, please.  Aaaw I love all of you, but especially you – you dance better than Nic! Xxx”

Cheryl rolled her eyes, “Nadine won’t be drunk – she’ll get it.  I bet you she’s freaking out or something”.  Cheryl looked at Kimberley, worry starting to show on her face.

“I don’t care,” said Kimberley.  “I’ve waited so long to hear you say that you want to be with me.  I mean, I care about the others and what they think, of course I do, but Cheryl, I just can’t believe this is actually happening, and nothing can spoil it”.

“Well, believe it, babe, because it is definitely happening tonight”, Cheryl said, trying her best to sound seductive.  Kimberley laughed.  “Nice” she grinned as Cheryl’s phone beeped again, causing her to roll her eyes.  “Cheryl just leave it…” But Cheryl was already reading.

“You love Kimberley do you?  I thought you two left to get an early night - not attack the mini bar.  You’d better not cancel our lunch tomorrow because of a killer hangover, young lady!  I left not long after you guys, but I, unlike some, went straight to bed.  But I’m glad you’ve made a decision about Ashley, we can talk more tomorrow over lunch, but I think this could be good for you, babe - a fresh start.  You deserve to be happy, and I get the feeling you haven’t been totally happy for a while, and that’s been upsetting me.  I love you.  Now get some sleep! xxx”

Cheryl sighed.  “Does nobody understand how I feel about you?”

Kimberley laughed.  “I don’t either, you might need to help me out there” she said, raising an eyebrow as Cheryl’s phone beeped again.

“Oooh hold that thought, babe” laughed Cheryl, “I’ll make it very clear once I’ve read this – I bet you Nadine’s read it back and realised…” her voice trailed off and her jokey expression turned to a frown as she sat back in her chair, staring at the screen.

“Cheryl?  What is it?” asked Kimberley, starting to panic.  Cheryl held the phone out to her and Kimberley’s eyes narrowed as she took it from her and saw the brief text from Ashley.  

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