Chapter: 7-8

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Chapter 7

Daylight peered through the hotel room window and somehow brought Kimberley out of her deep and pleasant sleep.  She was a little uncomfortable sat half-upright on the sofa, and as she moved her neck cracked a bit.  She pulled a face as she moved a bit, trying to get rid of the stiffness in her neck, and for a second she was a little confused as to why she had been asleep on the sofa all night, when there was a perfectly good bed across the room.  She stretched her arms out above her head and the smell of Cheryl’s expensive perfume reminded her of why she was so uncomfortable - her jumper smelt of Cheryl.  So where was Cheryl?  

She looked around the room and noticed Cheryl’s belongings strewn about – her ipod, and handbag on the table, her tracksuit on the bed, and her pyjamas on the floor.  Her pyjamas on the floor.  Suddenly Kimberley remembered something that made her blush.  She smiled, but then shook her head, almost trying to get rid of the image and stood up slowly.  

“You’re awake”.  Cheryl appeared in the doorway to the en suite bathroom, hair wrapped in a towel, huge bath robe swamping her tiny frame.  She smiled and Kimberley sat back down on the edge of the bed.  “Is there any coffee going?” she asked hopefully, knowing she’d need a strong cup this morning if she was going to ever feel awake enough to actually do anything.

“Yeah, I’ve had one already, hang on”.  Cheryl busied herself by the little table where the television and kettle were stood, and at some point switched on the television, setting it to the music channel.  “I didn’t wanna wake you so I didn’t put any music on before.  It’s getting late, once you’ve had your coffee you might wanna think about getting a shower before Nicola starts banging the door down”.  She took the towel off her head and started to dab at her wet hair.

“Nicola?” Kimberley answered, confused.  “Oh, shopping.  I forgot.  Thanks,” she said, taking the coffee from Cheryl’s outstretched hand, and Cheryl moved some stray strands of hair from Kimberley’s face once her hand was free.  “I take it you didn’t sleep well then?” Cheryl asked, sitting across from Kimberley on the sofa, eyes not leaving Kimberley’s face.  “Why do you say?” Kimberley asked, taking a sip of her coffee and breathing in the aroma from the cup.  “Well, you look a bit tired, that’s all.  Like you didn’t rest properly.  Was it the sofa?  Or did you have a bad dream?  Or… maybe a sex dream?”

Kimberley choked on her coffee and put it down on the floor, reaching over to the bedside table for a tissue, still coughing, and wiped her chin.  “What?  No!  I just…” Kimberley searched for something to say and she felt herself blush.  “That bloody sofa is not comfortable when you’ve got someone else’s body weight leaning on you” she snapped, and immediately regretted how that had sounded.  

Cheryl looked a little hurt.  “Well, I’m sorry you slept badly because of me.  I, on the other hand, slept better than I have for a long time”.   Her frown turned to a smile and she stood up, walking over to sit next to Kimberley on the bed.  “Can I have a hug?”  Kimberley looked at Cheryl, sat right next to her.  What she had said made her sound vulnerable, but she looked anything but vulnerable, sat staring intently into Kimberley’s eyes.  “Do you even have to ask?” replied Kimberley, smiling back, and opened her arms wide, pulling Cheryl in close.  Cheryl snuggled into Kimberley’s neck and breathed in the familiar scent.  She felt Kimberley kiss her head.  “Love you” Cheryl breathed into Kimberley’s neck.  “Love you too, babe” said Kimberley and she rested her chin on Cheryl’s head.

“So are you going to tell me then?” Cheryl asked.  Kimberley pulled away slightly, bending down to pick up her coffee.  “Tell you what?” she replied, looked back at Cheryl.  “Who was in your dream last night”, replied Cheryl, nonchalantly, as if she was asking what they might have for lunch, but her stare was intense.  Kimberley felt herself blush and she cursed herself internally.  “I”, she started, struggling to regain her composure.  She cleared her throat.  “I am going to have a shower before Nicola turns up and has a fit when she sees me not ready”.  Kimberley stood up and rested her coffee cup on the table, squeezing Cheryl’s knee as she passed.  

As the bathroom door shut Cheryl lay back on the bed, a satisfied smile appearing on her face.  Kimberley’s blushes hadn’t gone unnoticed, Cheryl had spotted each and every one of them and she had a pretty good idea why her questions had caused such an embarrassed reaction.  She chuckled to herself.  She was starting to get a bit more than just hopeful that Kimberley felt the same way she did.


On the other side of the bathroom door Kimberley was stood looking at herself in the mirror, leaning on the sink.  Her face had gone back to its usual colour but she was frowning.  She wasn’t imagining it, was she?  Cheryl’s expression, her playful questions?  How could she possibly know Kimberley was dreaming of her last night, dreaming of being with her?  They usually knew what the other was thinking, but was Cheryl now reading her subconscious thoughts too?  Kimberley sighed, pushing her hair back off her face.  Suddenly she had a flashback to their talk last night on the sofa.  A flashback to what Cheryl had said to her before they fell asleep.  “If you ever did this to me, I know I couldn’t cope

Kimberley saw her own expression change in the mirror.  How had she not picked up on that before?  Cheryl had been talking about infidelity.  “If I ever cheat on her she couldn’t cope.  Cheat on her”, Kimberley said aloud.  To cheat on her, I’d have to be…with her.  And Kimberley turned to look at the closed bathroom door separating her and Cheryl.

Chapter 8

Kimberley swung the bathroom door open “Cheryl, I…” she stopped dead as she saw Nicola sat on the sofa.  “Nic…”

“I can’t believe this, Kimberley.  I am actually speechless.  I never saw this coming”, replied Nicola, staring at Kimberley as she stood frozen to the spot in the doorway.  

Kimberley looked from Nicola to Cheryl and back to Nicola, trying to work out exactly how much Cheryl had actually told Nicola, but neither of their faces was giving much away.  Kimberley felt sick.  She wasn’t sure she wanted anyone knowing yet, not until she’d talked it through with Cheryl.  God, she wasn’t even sure what Cheryl felt for her.  “Nic,” she started hesitantly.  “I don’t know what Cheryl has said to you, but I erm…” she looked over at Cheryl who was looking back at her, with a confused look on her face.  Why wasn’t Cheryl helping?  Kimberley looked back at Nicola, but no words came out of her mouth.

“Seven years, Kimberley.  Seven whole years and I don’t think I have ever seen Cheryl ready before you.  It’s left me speechless”, added Nicola, starting to laugh.  “What’s wrong anyway?”

Kimberley was so relieved at what Nicola had really meant that she didn’t even realise she had even asked her a question.  “Kimberley!” said Nicola, louder this time, waving her hand above her head to get her attention.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong”, she replied, still staring at Nicola, trying to calm down inside, after the shock Nicola had given her moments ago.  

“Well, you burst in here and shouted Cheryl’s name, so what was that all about?”  Nicola insisted.

Kimberley looked at Cheryl, as if seeing her face would give her the inspiration she needed right now.  And it worked.  “I was gonna say that I want to have a look for an outfit while we’re shopping.  You know - if we’re still going on that night out.”

Nicola frowned at her.  “And you came bursting out the bathroom to tell us that?  No bloody wonder you’re not ready yet.  Will you hurry up and get in the shower – the driver’s gonna be here in half an hour.  We’re not gonna have any time to shop at this rate and I need a dress and new shoes for this wedding I’ve got next month.  You guys promised to help”.  

“Ok, I’m going” replied Kimberley over her shoulder as she rushed back inside the bathroom and shut the door behind her.  She leant over the sink and took a deep breath.  Was she even ready to deal with her feelings for Cheryl?


“Kimberley, come on” Cheryl pleaded.  “No, Cheryl, no!” Kimberley giggled back, putting the dress back on the rail.  “It’s hideous” she added.

“I was gonna get me phone out and take a photo” laughed Cheryl.  

“I thought as much, that’s why I’m not putting that dress anywhere near me!”  Kimberley said, raising her eyebrows knowingly at Cheryl.

“Oh my god, are you two gonna help or just stand their laughing at the sh*t stuff?” called Nicola from the next aisle.  

 Kimberley and Cheryl looked at each other briefly before calling back in unison: “Stand here laughing at the sh*t stuff!” and they exploded into giggles, Cheryl put her hand on Kimberley’s arm to hold herself up, she was laughing so hard.  Nicola appeared through the dresses and snapped them out of their giggling fit.  “What the hell has gotten into you two?  You promised you’d help”.

Cheryl stood up straight and cleared her throat.  “Sorry” she said in almost a whisper, and linked Kimberley’s arm that she had been holding, nudging her in the side as she did so.  “Yeah, sorry, Nic.  You have our undivided attention” added Kimberley as she used her free hand to take hold of the dress Nicola was holding and felt the fabric.  “Oh actually, I’m not just saying this but that’s lovely”.

“You don’t think it’s a bit much for my skin tone?” asked Nicola, looking at both the girls.  

“I don’t, it’d bring out your eyes” answered Cheryl.  “And,” she went on, “I saw a gorgeous clutch bag when we came in that would go perfect with that”, and she pointed towards the entrance to the shop with her free hand.

“So you have been paying attention” smiled Nicola at her.  “Come on, come with me, I’m trying this on”, and she set off towards the dressing rooms.

“It’s not the only thing I’ve been paying attention to” answered Cheryl, although not quite loud enough for Nicola to hear.  She looked up at Kimberley and winked.  “Come on, we’ll find something for you as well – make sure everyone’s satisfied”.

Kimberley hesitated as Cheryl let go of her arm and walked on.  That was definitely directed at her.  Wasn't it?  Did Cheryl mean she’d been paying attention to her?   She really needed to talk to Cheryl, get things out in the open, work out what was going on.

“Catch!” shouted Cheryl, and Kimberley felt velvet fabric in her face.  “Told you it’d look good on you!” laughed Cheryl as she stood watching Kimberley pull the hideous dress off her head.

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