Chapter: 13-14

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Chapter 13

Kimberley walked into the hotel conference room first and smiled at Hilary who was sat at the desk, talking on the phone.  She waved Kimberley into the room and immediately saw that Cheryl was behind Kimberley, holding onto her arm.  Hilary stopped talking as she took in the sight – Cheryl had tied her hair back and was wearing huge sunglasses, covering all of her face, and the trainers she had on with her tracksuit only served to make her look shorter, smaller, more vulnerable.

Hilary started to bring her phone conversation to a close as she watched Kimberley usher Cheryl into a chair opposite Hilary and sit down next to her, pulling her chair closer to Cheryl’s, and taking hold of her hand with both of her own.  

“Cheryl,” Hilary started, as she put her phone down on the desk.  “Cheryl, I’m sorry to have to call you in, I know how much you were all looking forward to having a day off”.

“It’s not your fault, Hilary”, Cheryl said softly, taking her sunglasses off and putting them on the table, out of manners more than anything else.  Kimberley was always telling her that people should be able to look you in the eye, and even though she always shielded herself from the paparazzi with them outdoors, she never wore her sunglasses in meetings.  Subconsciously though she missed the protection they offered her, and raised a hand to play with her hair, shielding her face partly from Hilary.

“Right, well, we’ll keep it as brief as we can.  I know you girls have lunch plans, and we really need to get a statement to the press as soon as possible”.  Hilary started shuffling papers and picked up her pen.

“Ok, try this for size - I’m in love with Kimberley.”  Cheryl blurted out, stunning both Kimberley and Hilary in the process.

Kimberley turned and looked at Cheryl, eyes widening as she took in what Cheryl had just announced to their manager.  Hilary stopped looking for whatever bit of paper she’d been searching for and raised her eyes to look at Cheryl.  Without turning her head she looked at Kimberley, analysing her expression as much as Cheryl’s.  

Finally she responded.  “Is this a joke?” because I really do feel for you at the moment Cheryl, but we need to get this mess sorted, we’ve got the tour to consider”.

“Mess?” repeated Cheryl and took a long deep breath.  “Well, I’m sorry my life is creating another mess for you to deal with”.

“Cheryl,” Kimberley touched her arm, “Hilary doesn’t mean it like that”.

“No, I don’t,” Hilary agreed.  “That came out wrong.  I’m sorry.  I’m just not in a jokey mood Cheryl.  I’ve been on the phone for the best part of the morning trying to work out the best way for you to respond to this, I’m tired”.

“I’m not joking, Hilary” Cheryl declared, shaking her head.

“Cheryl, we don’t have to do this right now.  You’re upset.  Let’s just deal with this for now” and Kimberley gestured towards the newspapers Hilary had tried to conceal with paperwork.

There was an awkward silence as Cheryl noticed the newspapers in front of her, almost covered by files.  Hilary’s question distracted her from them.

“What do you mean “in love with Kimberley”?” she asked directly.  Kimberley let go of Cheryl’s hand and started fiddling with one of the water bottles on the table, trying unsuccessfully to take the lid off, but at least distracting herself from the question.

“Exactly that.  I’m in love with her and last night, well last night I found out that she feels the same” Cheryl said, suddenly sounding confident.  She put her hand on Kimberley’s and took the bottle off her, opening it and pouring some water for both of them.  Kimberley looked up and smiled at Cheryl, gratefully taking a sip of the cool water.

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