Chapter: 5-6

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Chapter 5

Kimberley looked at her friend, startled.  “Tell me what to do” Cheryl repeated.  You always know what to do – you’re the one I turn to with all my problems.  Last year you knew I wanted to stay with him and work through it and you helped me do that - concentrate on keeping my vows, helping Ashley follow his own.  That was you - you made that possible.”  Kimberley sat on the sofa that was just a few feet from her and shook her head.  “If I hadn’t done that, this wouldn’t be happening to you now.  You wouldn’t be in pain again, one year on, when you should be enjoying our best tour yet with your closest friends”, Kimberley felt the tears coming but she choked them back and managed to say one last thing before falling silent.  One thing she had never dared to say to her friend before but just couldn’t hold in any longer. 

“I should have told you to leave him”.  

Cheryl stayed standing where she was, a few feet from where Kimberley was sat on the edge of the couch.  “Do you think I was wrong to take him back?  Do you think I should forget my vows now, leave him, forget him?”  Cheryl was talking fast, pleading with Kimberley to tell her what to do, but there was a look on her face, a look Kimberley just couldn’t understand.  She had expected the same as last time - lots of tears, but a defiant Cheryl, determined yet again to stay truthful to her vows, even if her husband couldn’t, because she believed in them and wanted to make her marriage work.  What was so different now?  Cheryl knew there had been more than one, even if the press couldn’t prove it, Cheryl knew Ashley and she knew there had been a few occasions when she was away, when he just couldn’t help himself.  So what was so different today, and what was Cheryl trying to tell Kimberley with her expression?  Kimberley didn’t answer her friend.  She didn’t know how to answer.  Of course Cheryl should leave him, she deserved better.  But Kimberley hesitated to tell her that, because she was unsure of her own motives.  Was she just eager for Cheryl to be single again for selfish reasons?  

She thought back to the day she’d split from Justin, she had been unable to give him a proper reason, but she just suddenly knew she couldn’t be with him anymore.  And sudden it was, because not even the press had found out, and 5 weeks had passed since he moved out, confused as to why his girlfriend had so suddenly fallen out of love with him.  Maybe, just maybe Cheryl had more to do with it than Kimberley was prepared to admit at the time.  Because looking at her friend now, Kimberley had never been more sure of anything.  She wanted to take away her friend’s pain and make her happy, happier than she would ever be with Ashley or any other man who might be lucky enough to have her.  

Kimberley flinched as Cheryl sat beside her on the couch and put her hand on her thigh.  “I’m sorry, it’s not fair of me to put you in this position - it’s my mess” Cheryl started.  Kimberley went to speak but Cheryl raised her free hand to stop her from talking and shook her head.  “No, babe, I shouldn’t have asked.  You can’t tell me to leave my own husband - that has to be my decision”.  Kimberley was taken aback by how strong Cheryl was being, and she nodded in agreement with her friend.  “Just promise me one thing Kimberley?” Cheryl asked, voice strong and unfaltering.  “Promise me you will never hurt me.  Because you are the one person I trust with all my heart, and trust with all my secrets.  I can get through this mess, I know I can.  But if you ever did this to me, I know I couldn’t cope”.  Kimberley put her hands on Cheryl’s, which was still resting on her thigh and stared into her eyes.  “Babe, I will never, ever, do anything to hurt you, I promise”.

Cheryl pulled Kimberley’s arms round her own waist and leaned in to hug her, her head resting on Kimberley’s chest.  They stayed like that for a while, Kimberley resting her chin lightly on Cheryl’s head as she heard Cheryl’s breathing get slower until she realised she’d fallen asleep, the comfort of Kimberley’s arms finally releasing her from the pain of the day and allowing her to relax.  Kimberley carefully reached over and pulled Cheryl’s coat over her to make sure that she didn’t get cold, and it wasn’t long before Kimberley had fallen asleep too.

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