Chapter Three

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A part of the ceiling starts crashing down on us. I expect to see a spill of blood somewhere, but no. It was the tall dog who fired. I guess it was so we can be quiet. He looks mad, so I don't bother to look at him anymore.

"Why don't we all shut up, for now that is," he says. You could tell that he's mad because of the tone in his voice. Everyone is shocked as well. I feel like walking out of the building, but I don't. Everyone knows why.

"You idiot! Oh god, Flippy's army is gonna come and kill us!" the monkey yells.

"With your yelling, they will," the dog calmly replies. He doesn't seem scared about Flippy's army. I wish I can be like him, but I can't. I already have a fear of Flippy, and it looks like he doesn't. Do I want to be like him, or do I want to be brave?

"Well, Drake has a point," the cat says. Drake? Is that the monkey's name?

"Told ya," Drake replies. He gave that kind of smirk that made me want to punch him in the face, but I had to hold my anger if I want to survive with this group.

The tall brown dog started picking up duffel bags and everyone and I start helping. I pick up a light weighted one so I had no problem carrying it around. We hear yet another bomb and it starts vibrating the room.

"Okay everyone," the dog says, "move through the street quietly. Don't let the bombers hear you." Those words were enough to scare me. What if we do get caught? The pink cat looks more scared than I am, as she was tearing up in front of everyone. The tall dog gives her a stern look, which made her quiet for a little bit.

He opens the door quietly to make the creaking impossible to hear. He tells us to follow him. The pink cat, the green duck, Drake, and I walk behind him. The tunnel to the Minnie's Melodyland Playground was a block away. I have faith in the tall brown dog, even though I just met him. Already I see him as a leader.

After minutes of walking, we rush to the tunnel to the playground, just before another bomb set off. When we reach the playground, I couldn't believe my eyes. Minnie's Melodyland looks so different from the last time I saw it. Oh my god. I'm just so speechless. There's hardly anything left. Look what Flippy did. That mean dog. He's not a dog. He's a cog. He's cold-hearted and greedy.

I walk with the group in shock. Everything is so different. No one can even tell it used to be a playground. It's just ruins now.

Then, the tall brown dog walks to a ton on the floor. I recognize the ton. It's the ton that was always in front of the Gag Shop. But he picks it up as if it weighed nothing. I see a hole beneath with stairs leading to some dark cave.

"Everyone in," he says, and we do so. He shines a light helping us guide our way downstairs. So far, I'm the only one having trouble walking down. Everyone else goes down like nothing's stopping them. Maybe they have been here before? I'm really bothered by the fact that we are in the sewers. This is where most dead toons' skeletons are stored. Back in Donalds', whenever a toon died, we would store its remains in the sewers found under fishing ponds. For a second, I'm lost, but I find the other toons again. I decide to just follow wherever they are going. At least it looks like they know the way. We all start to see a bright light from the tunnel ahead.

"Finally," Drake said, "we're home at last." Home. The word home just makes me shiver. My home was destroyed by Flippy, and my playground home now feels like a threat to me.

"We haven't properly introduced ourselves," the green duck says.

"Oh yeah, huh? Well, I'm Chloe," the pink cat said. "Ducky here is named Crackers. Drake is, well you know, the monkey. That's Gary over there, the dog."

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