Chapter Ten

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The rubble hits hard on my face, but I'm still alive and awake. I think about screaming, but that'll be a stupid choice because then the Toonbots will find and kill me. I look to my left, and I see a bleeding, yellow dog. He's facing up at the rubble.

"Hello?" I say quietly to him. He turns his head around and notices me. Just when he is about to say something, what seems like a crowd of toons start running above us. They are fleeing from the attacking Toonbots. A rock falls and squishes the dog's leg. I cover my ears as he starts screaming in pain. He stops once the rock on his leg is carried. I look closer at who's carrying it, and I realize that it's a Toonbot! I try to push the rubble off of me, but it's too heavy. The Toonbot grabs the fearful dog with one hand, and takes the rubble off of me with the other.

"AHHHH!" I hear the dog scream several times. He knows what's coming. I'm able to escape before the Toonbot can get me, but I bump into a tall, familiar Big Cheese.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the stupid toon who I encountered in the HQ?" General Cheese says. He picks me up and I struggle to break free.

"Let me go, idiot!" I yell out. He looks at me and gives me a huge, evil grin. He takes me forcefully to a cage in the back of a gray truck and then throws me and locks the cage shut. I spit at him, but he just gives me another grin. This one more hateful than the last.

"You killed me once," he says, "now it's your turn to die; permanently." I let out a scream for anyone to hear, but there is already enough screaming. All the toons are crowding and climbing over the rubble to get into the safety of the golf courtyard. I hear the truck start up, and I give out one last scream. The truck and the army of Toonbots begin to retreat and go back to Donald's Dock.

Once in Donald's Dock, I see about 10 more trucks with cages of toons trapped inside. A Cog Airship, similar to the one I encountered in Minnie's Melodyland, floats above the playground. It drops down a drawbridge for the army and the trucks to retreat inside.

I get to have my first glimpse inside the airship. Everything is so dull and gray. Feelings of hatred and sadness are present all around here. I look around, crouched in my small cage. I look at the other trucks, parked closely together. My truck parks along with the others as well.

The yellow dog from the rubble is two trucks away from me. Every toon I see is being treated like trash and slaves. I had never thought the war will come to a point where toons become slaves. Scratch that, it's already happened; Toonbots are just toons in a cogs body, but with no memory of their past. They are just programmed to follow orders. They don't feel, unlike the nasty cogs who barely feel any happiness.

I look to the truck next to me, and I see the same green pig in the cog crusher suit that was guarding the entrance to Acorn Acres, only he looks more beat up and sad now. He looks at me with a sad expression. I hear him clear his throat.
"You know what I don't get?" the pig says. I give him a shrug, just going along with what he says. A few moments passed before he let out a sigh.
"Why couldn't Flippy just tell Mickey his true feelings about the elections?" He says. I shrug once again. I honestly don't know how to answer or respond. He gives me a worried look, and curls himself. "I might as well have a peaceful nap before they kill me," he says. I suddenly feel the need to talk to him, to know him.

"My name is Oswald," I say. His eyes grow wide in fear. I'm confused, and I turn my back to him. I guess he knows me as the toon in the wanted poster. Now, no one will want to be my ally. Everyone sees me as a threat now.

"I'm Doug," he says to me. He reaches out his hand from the cage to touch mine, but the trucks are keeping us divided. I turn to him, and I finally manage a smile.

"How about a nap?" I ask him.


A few hours passed by before I could finally go to sleep. Doug went to sleep immediately. Maybe being a guard for Chip and Dale's Acorn Acres is hard work. In those hours, the Cog Airship stopped at several playgrounds and places to attack and kidnap innocent toons to enslave. I know because the screams of terror and the marching of the Too Bot's kept me awake, thinking. Heck, I even forgot what I was thinking. I just know I was thinking about how the war even started.

The Cog Airship's last stop was the streets of the melting Brrrgh. My cannon really had a huge impact on that playground. The cogs and Toonbots had to use boats to capture wandering toons, looking for a place to hide. Once several toons were captured successfully, the Airship heads to Toonbot HQ. To me, Toonbot HQ doesn't really seem like an HQ. It's more like a city for the cogs and Toonbots to gather in.

I have only slept for 2 hours before the Cog Airship landed in Toonbot HQ. The cogs yell at the toons, and take them out of their cages. The toons were being released from their cages and being chained to shackles. I'm still in my cage.

"Get out, idiot," General Cheese tells Doug. Doug is clearly too worn out and tired to respond.

"What about me?" I ask General Cheese. He studies me, and then gives me the same evil grin he gave me back at Chip and Dale's Acorn Acres.

"Mr. Doggenbottom would like to see you personally. Say goodbye to bacon over here. You're never seeing him again," he responds. He unlocks my cage and handcuffs me. It feels better compared to being in shackles and chains like the others. General Cheese walks me away from the other toons.

"Wait!" I yell at him. "I thought you said that I could say bye to him!" he just grins and keeps his pace of walking. I stop walking, and I kick him in a place that shouldn't be mentioned.

"Brat!" He screams. It echoes throughout the Airship. He kicks me back in the ribs, but I still try to hold back my tears.

"Doug!" I yell repeatedly. "Doug! NOOO!" It's no use. He and the other toons start walking out of the Airship. He turns back to face me, and sighs. I haven't known Doug for a long time, but I can't bear to see someone I know being sent to become a Toonbot.

As General Cheese walks me to Flippy's office, I don't bother to take my eyes off of the ground. Clearly the smog was pass the maximum, for the air and odor smelled of machinery. 

I'm daydreaming in my thoughts because when we apparently arrive in front of the Toonbot HQ Office Tower, General Cheese has to slap me so that I can pay attention when walking up the stairs leading to the big, overdone door. He gives me a loud knock with his big, robotic hands. I quiver in place at the thought that Flippy wants to see me. Personally.

Within moments, the huge door begins to open. I look up from the ground to find a sky blue dog, a little taller than me. I want to cry out loud, because I'm standing in front of the toon that started this all, yet I don't want to look weak to him.

"So, Oswald. We finally get to meet. Finally..." Flippy says, wearing a smile that seems warm and welcoming. But I'm not a toon who is fooled easily, for I know that deep behind that smile is a sick toon who just wants me out of the way, so he can really rule all of Toontown. Even if that means conquering the Acorn Acres safe zone.

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