Chapter One- Music

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A/N Check out this sick as frick phone case I'm getting! Srry it has nothing to do with the story but oh well lmao. Stay alive|-/

Tyler. That's my name. I hate it. But what does it matter? No one knows it anyway. My mom died when I was ten, my dad drowns himself in alcohol, and my brother has been placed in a mental hospital. Life isn't great for me. In fact, I could compare it to watching a horror movie. I'm always waiting for another awful thing to happen. I'm suicidal, and go off my rocker sometimes. I will most likely kill myself before I turn 18. As of today, I am 15. I only live for one thing, music. I write lyrics to songs, they are mostly horrible but I like it and it distracts me. It distracts me from the constant flow of questions flooding my brain. The questions drive me insane, I think things like, "Would the world be a better place without me?" Or "Will my family miss me when I'm gone?" I already know the answer to that one. No. They won't miss me at all. When it gets bad, I pull out my notebook and write. I write until I feel better, which can sometimes take awhile because my head is really, really screwed up. I hate my life. I hate myself.

A/N Hello to the people who will most likely never read this fic lmao. Srry for this chapter, future ones will be longer I promise
Stay alive|-/

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