Chapter 7- Tutor

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A/N Tyler Pov
I'm not the best student, okay? The only class I'm not failing is art. Art. I'm probably not going to graduate but hey, that's okay with me. I'm sitting in my Spanish class, studying the people around me. I see someone looking over notes, like I did Freshman year when I actually cared. I see someone else pulling on a sweatshirt, it's just become November today. I'm a junior this year. My train of thought is interrupted by the staticky intercom turns on and says, "Tyler Joseph come to the front office please, Tyler Joseph. Thank you" What could they possibly want to see me for? I hardly ever get into trouble. I pick up my back pack and start to walk to the front office. I'm not looking forward to this. On my way, I see Josh in the hall. He is also a junior this year. I walk past him and he sees me, but remains silent, with no sign of recognition on his angelic face. Of course, he doesn't remember me. What was I expecting? It's not like he's going to help me and then we live happily ever after! I'm so stupid. Well I guess I better hurry to the office, I've now spent 5 minutes in the hall. When I get there I see Mrs. Peterson, the principle, waiting for me. She tells me to sit, and I obey. She starts to talk, "Tyler, we need to talk" So I tune my mind into what she's about to say.
"Tyler, your grades are suffering."
Like I don't know that.
"What do you mean?"
I know exactly what she means.
"I mean that you are failing every class-"
A-a-ah, not art.
"and our weekly tutor sessions just aren't working, so I'm assigning you one of the top students in your grade to be your new tutor."
"What? No!" I say, I can't do it. Nope. Not happening. You know why? Because it's most likely going to be someone who has beat the crap out of me in the last two weeks.
"Excuse me, Tyler! Last time I checked, I was your principle!"
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Peterson. I guess I do need the help. What grade is he?"
"Junior. I believe his name is Josh. Josh Dun."
I almost shit a brick.
"Yes do you know him?" She said.
"U-uh no. No I don't"
"Well okay, your first session will be last block today in the library. I've already written to Mr. Hughes that you will be missing astronomy. You are excused."
I was not going to that session.


It's last block. I don't want to see him because I will most likely embarrass myself. So I'm not going. As I'm walking out the doors, I hear a familiar voice calling to me.

"Tyler?" It's him. Josh saw me. Maybe if I don't respond, he will let it go. It's not like he wants to be my tutor.

"Tyler!" Ugh. I turn back towards the building as I see him jogging over to me.


"What are you doing? We have our tutor session in the library right now." He takes a step towards me. He's about 10 feet away.


"So, we need to get to the library so I can start teaching you stuff." He says with a slight chuckle. How is he perfect?

"Why, it's not like I'm going to get any smarter?"

"Do you even want to graduate?" Another step.

"I'm not in any kind of rush." I tell him.

"Well I'll get in trouble if you bail on me. Do you want me to get in trouble?" He takes another few steps toward me.

Of course I don't want that to happen, Josh.


"Then lets get back inside and get to work." At this point he was standing right in front of me.

I cant believe I'm agreeing to this.


"Okay." We start walking towards the building together. Why does he want to help me?

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